PP-Module for Session Border Controllers

Version: 1.0
National Information Assurance Partnership

Revision History

1.02022-12-05Initial Release


1Introduction1.1Overview1.2Terms1.2.1Common Criteria Terms1.2.2Technical Terms1.3Compliant Targets of Evaluation1.4TOE Boundary1.5Use Cases2Conformance Claims3Security Problem Description3.1Threats3.2Assumptions3.3Organizational Security Policies4Security Objectives4.1Security Objectives for the TOE4.2Security Objectives for the Operational Environment4.3Security Objectives Rationale5Security Requirements5.1NDcPP Security Functional Requirements Direction 5.1.1 Modified SFRs Support (FCS) and Authentication (FIA) Path/Channels (FTP)5.2TOE Security Functional Requirements5.2.1Security Audit (FAU)5.2.2Cryptographic Support (FCS)5.2.3User Data Protection (FDP)5.2.4Firewall (FFW)5.2.5Identification and Authentication (FIA)5.2.6Security Management (FMT)5.2.7Resource Utilization (FRU)5.2.8Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)5.3TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale6Consistency Rationale6.1Collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type 6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition 6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives 6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements Appendix A - Optional SFRsA.1Strictly Optional Requirements A.2Objective Requirements A.3Implementation-based Requirements A.3.1Identification and Authentication (FIA)Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements B.1Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)Appendix C - Extended Component DefinitionsC.1Extended Components TableC.2Extended Component DefinitionsC.2.1Cryptographic Support (FCS)C.2.1.1FCS_SRTP_EXT Secure Real-Time Transport ProtocolC.2.2Firewall (FFW)C.2.2.1FFW_ACL_EXT Traffic FilteringC.2.2.2FFW_DPI_EXT Deep Packet InspectionC.2.2.3FFW_NAT_EXT Network Address TranslationC.2.3Identification and Authentication (FIA)C.2.3.1FIA_SIPT_EXT Session Initiation Protocol TrunkingC.2.3.2FIA_SIPS_EXT Session Initiation Protocol RegistrationC.2.4Resource Utilization (FRU)C.2.4.1FRU_PRS_EXT Limited Priority of ServiceC.2.5Security Audit (FAU)C.2.5.1FAU_ARP_EXT Security Audit Automatic ResponseAppendix D - Implicitly Satisfied RequirementsAppendix E - Allocation of Requirements in Distributed TOEsAppendix F - Entropy Documentation and AssessmentAppendix G - AcronymsAppendix H - Bibliography

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The scope of this Protection Profile Module (PP-Module) is to describe the security functionality of a Session Border Controller (SBC) in terms of [CC] and to define functional and assurance requirements for such products. This PP-Module is intended for use with the following Base-PPs: This Base-PP is valid because a device that implements an SBC is a specific type of network device, and there is nothing about the implementation of an SBC that would prevent any of the security capabilities defined by the Base-PP from being satisfied.

Note that the NDcPP defines an optional architecture for a “distributed TOE” that allows for security functionality to be spread across multiple distinct components. This PP-Module does not require or prohibit the TOE from being a distributed system when the TOE conforms to the NDcPP; the TOE may be standalone or distributed in this case.

1.3 Compliant Targets of Evaluation

This PP-Module specifically addresses SBCs that provide firewalling, interoperability, and security functions for VVoIP networks. The SBC also provides protected communication between trusted components of the network infrastructure.

The physical boundary of the SBC is defined by the operating system components storing or providing security functions and all software supplied by the vendor, including vendor modified components to the operating system. All the security functionality is contained and executed within the physical boundary of the device.

While the functionality that the TOE is obligated to implement in response to the described threat environment is detailed in later sections, a brief description is provided here. A compliant TOE will provide security functionality that addresses threats to itself. It must also protect communications between itself and an Internet Protocol Public Branch Exchange (IP-PBX) or another SBC by using a trusted channel. Some protocols required by this PP-Module make use of certificates; therefore, the SBC must securely store certificates and private keys.

Since this PP-Module builds on the NDcPP, conformant TOEs must implement the functionality required in the NDcPP along with the additional functionality defined in this PP-Module in response to the threat environment discussed later in this document.

1.4 TOE Boundary

An SBC is a security device composed of hardware and software connected to two or more distinct voice networks that provides security and interoperability functions. SBCs are deployed between peering service provider networks, service provider networks and enterprise networks, service provider networks and residential customers, or in some cases as a back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) that allows mobile users the ability to connect to their internal VVoIP network.

The following diagram represents a typical deployment of the TOE and its operational environment (OE). Note that the TOE boundary is limited to the physical boundary of the SBC device itself, and the trusted channels/paths that are established by the SBC.

Figure 1: SBC Deployment Model

1.5 Use Cases

This PP-Module defines a single potential use case for the SBC TOE:
[USE CASE 1] Border Protection
The TOE is a specialized network device that provides firewall services for VVoIP networks. The TOE is intended to provide protection against well-known threats that target these networks. The SBC examines headers and data values of packets and compares them to an Access Control List (ACL) to either permit or deny them to or through the SBC. The SBC is typically deployed between service providers for security, interoperability, translation, and transcoding purposes; between service providers and residential customers for security and interoperability purposes; or between service providers and enterprise networks for translation, transcoding, and security purposes. The SBC, as a border element, should also be able to establish a secure communication channel with external devices it communicates with.

2 Conformance Claims

Conformance Statement

This PP-Module inherits exact conformance as required from the specified Base-PP and as defined in the CC and CEM addenda for Exact Conformance, Selection-Based SFRs, and Optional SFRs (dated May 2017).

No PPs or PP-Modules may be specified in a PP-Configuration with this PP-Module other than the Base-PP specified in Section 1.1 Overview.

CC Conformance Claims
This PP-Module is conformant to Parts 2 (extended) and 3 (conformant) of Common Criteria Version 3.1, Release 5 [CC].
Package Claims
This PP-Module does not claim conformance to any packages.

3 Security Problem Description

The security problem is described in terms of the threats that the TOE is expected to address, assumptions about its Operational Environment, and any organizational security policies that the TOE is expected to enforce.

3.1 Threats

The following threats that are defined in this PP-Module extend the threats that are defined by the Base-PP.
An attacker may attempt to send malformed packets to the SBC to cause the network stack or services listening on TCP/UDP ports on the SBC or protected network to crash.
An attacker may send traffic through the TOE that enables them to access devices in the TOE’s OE without authorization.
An attacker may transmit network traffic to the TOE that causes it to be unable to perform its functions on legitimate network traffic.
An attacker may acquire sensitive TOE or user data that is transmitted to or from the TOE because an untrusted communication channel causes a disclosure of data in transit.
User data may be inadvertently sent to a destination not intended by the original sender, causing an unauthorized disclosure of the data.

3.2 Assumptions

All assumptions for the OE of the Base-PP also apply to this PP-Module. A.NO_THRU_TRAFFIC_PROTECTION is still operative, but only for the interfaces in the TOE that are defined by the Base-PP and not the PP-Module. This document does not define any additional assumptions.

3.3 Organizational Security Policies

An organization deploying the TOE is expected to satisfy the organizational security policy listed below in addition to all organizational security policies defined by the claimed Base-PP.

This document does not define any additional OSPs.

4 Security Objectives

4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE

All network devices are expected to provide services that allow the security functionality of the device to be managed. The SBC, as a specific type of network device, has a refined set of management functions to address its specialized behavior.

Addressed by: FMT_SMF.1/SBC
To mitigate the threat of data-in-transit disclosure, the SBC must ensure that remote communications are secured using appropriate means. This includes the security of VVoIP signaling and media channels and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking, in addition to any secure communications channels that are defined by the Base-PP, such as communication with audit or authentication servers.

Addressed by: FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 (refined from Base-PP), FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP), FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 (refined from Base-PP), FCS_TLSS_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP), FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev (refined from Base-PP), FIA_X509_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP), FIA_X509_EXT.3 (refined from Base-PP), FTP_ITC.1 (refined from Base-PP), FCS_SRTP_EXT.1, FIA_SIPT_EXT.1, FTP_ITC.1/ARP, FTP_ITC.1/ESC, FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP, FTP_ITC.1/H323 (selection-based)
The SBC is not capable of performing its primary functionality if an attacker is able to prevent it from handling user data through a denial of service (DoS) attack. Therefore, the SBC is expected to provide security functions that allow it to prioritize its resources and protect against traffic that is designed only to disrupt availability of the device.

Addressed by: FRU_PRS_EXT.1, FRU_RSA.1
In order to ensure that potentially malicious activity is detected, the NDcPP requires security-relevant events to be audited. The SBC also provides security functions to support system monitoring and defines additional security-relevant events for specific SBC functions. The SBC is also expected to support real-time system monitoring by providing the ability to automatically generate alerts when certain types of events occur.

In order to ensure that there is no unauthorized disclosure of network information, the SBC is expected to hide the topology of the protected network. The SBC ensures no unauthorized disclosure by functioning as a B2BUA and by providing support for network address translation (NAT). These mechanisms ensure that the intended recipient of data being transmitted through the TOE is not revealed and that devices inside the protected network are not directly accessible.

Addressed by: FDP_IFC.1, FDP_IFF.1, FFW_NAT_EXT.1
In order to ensure that malicious traffic cannot compromise the SBC or devices on its protected network, the SBC is expected to provide rudimentary traffic filtering capabilities. This ensures that unauthorized TCP/UDP traffic is blocked and that all signaling and media traffic is first checked to be well-formed prior to performing any action on it.

Addressed by: FFW_ACL_EXT.1, FFW_ACL_EXT.2, FFW_DPI_EXT.1
When user data is transmitted between calling parties, the calling parties expect that this data is only transmitted to the intended recipients. The SBC is expected to provide this assurance through correctly functioning as a B2BUA and through correct implementation of SIP.

Addressed by: FDP_IFC.1, FDP_IFF.1, FFW_NAT_EXT.1, FIA_SIPT_EXT.1, FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 (implementation-based)

4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment

All objectives for the OE of the Base-PP also apply to this PP-Module. OE.NO_THRU_TRAFFIC_PROTECTION is still operative, but only for the interfaces in the TOE that are defined by the Base-PP and not the PP-Module.

4.3 Security Objectives Rationale

This section describes how the assumptions, threats, and organizational security policies map to the security objectives.
Table 1: Security Objectives Rationale
Threat, Assumption, or OSPSecurity ObjectivesRationale
T.MALICIOUS_​TRAFFICO.SYSTEM_​MONITORINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of malformed traffic causing a system crash by ensuring that any such instances are logged so that their cause can be diagnosed and prevented in the future.
O.TRAFFIC_​FILTERINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of malformed traffic causing a failure of the TOE by providing a mechanism to prevent the TSF from processing it.
T.NETWORK_​ACCESSO.AUTHORIZED_​ADMINISTRATIONThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by giving the administrator the ability to configure traffic filtering rules to block unauthorized traffic.
O.PROTECTED_​COMMUNICATIONSThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by enforcing the use of protected communications channels that prevent impersonation of legitimate subjects.
O.SYSTEM_​MONITORINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by ensuring that any such instances are logged so that their cause can be diagnosed and prevented in the future.
O.TOPOLOGY_​HIDINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by hiding its topology so that an attacker on an external network cannot discover or enumerate devices on the TOE’s internal network.
O.TRAFFIC_​FILTERINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by enforcing traffic filtering rules that prevent devices on the internal network from being accessed.
T.RESOURCE_​EXHAUSTIONO.AUTHORIZED_​ADMINISTRATIONThe TOE mitigates the threat of resource exhaustion by giving administrators the ability to configure traffic rules so that traffic flooding attempts can be discarded.
O.RESOURCE_​AVAILABILITYThe TOE mitigates the threat of the transmission of network traffic that causes the inability of the TOE to perform its functions, by protecting against disruptive traffic.
O.SYSTEM_​MONITORINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of unauthorized network access by ensuring that any such instances are logged so that their cause can be diagnosed and prevented in the future.
O.TRAFFIC_​FILTERINGThe TOE mitigates the threat of resource exhaustion by providing the ability to filter network traffic that could cause a DoS.
T.UNTRUSTED_​COMMUNICATION_​CHANNELSO.PROTECTED_​COMMUNICATIONSThe TOE mitigates the threat of disclosure of data in transit by enforcing the use of protected communications channels that prevent transmitted data from unauthorized disclosure.
T.USER_​DATA_​REUSEO.USER_​DATA_​DELIVERYThe TOE mitigates the threat of inadvertently sending user data to an unintended destination by implementing measures that ensure that data is only sent to the intended recipient.

5 Security Requirements

This chapter describes the security requirements which have to be fulfilled by the product under evaluation. Those requirements comprise functional components from Part 2 and assurance components from Part 3 of [CC]. The following conventions are used for the completion of operations:

5.1 NDcPP Security Functional Requirements Direction

In a PP-Configuration that includes the NDcPP, the TOE is expected to rely on some of the security functions implemented by the Session Border Controller as a whole and evaluated against the NDcPP. The following sections describe any modifications that the ST author must make to the SFRs defined in the NDcPP in addition to what is mandated by Section 5.2 TOE Security Functional Requirements.

5.1.1 Modified SFRs

The SFRs listed in this section are defined in the NDcPP and relevant to the secure operation of the TOE. Cryptographic Support (FCS)

FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 TLS Client Protocol without Mutual Authentication

This SFR is selection-based in the NDcPP but is mandated by this PP-Module because Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used for SIP trunking. An SBC implements TLS as both a client and a server.

FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 TLS Client Support for Mutual Authentication

This SFR is optional in the NDcPP but is mandated by this PP-Module because SIP trunking requires mutually-authenticated TLS.

FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 TLS Server Protocol without Mutual Authentication

This SFR is selection-based in the NDcPP but is mandated by this PP-Module because TLS is used for SIP trunking. An SBC implements TLS as both a client and a server.

FCS_TLSS_EXT.2 TLS Server Support for Mutual Authentication

This SFR is optional in the NDcPP but is mandated by this PP-Module because SIP trunking requires mutually-authenticated TLS. Identification and Authentication (FIA)

FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev X.509 Certificate Validation

This SFR is selection-based in the Base-PP but mandatory in this PP-Module because the TOE’s TLS implementation requires appropriate X.509 functionality.

FIA_X509_EXT.2 X.509 Certificate Authentication

This SFR is selection-based in the Base-PP but mandatory in this PP-Module because the TOE’s TLS implementation requires appropriate X.509 functionality.

FIA_X509_EXT.3 X.509 Certificate Requests

This SFR is selection-based in the Base-PP but mandatory in this PP-Module because the TOE’s TLS implementation requires appropriate X.509 functionality. Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)

FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel

The TSF shall be capable of using TLS and [selection: IPsec, SSH, DTLS, HTTPS, no other protocol ] to provide a trusted communication channel between itself and authorized IT entities supporting the following capabilities: audit server, [selection: authentication server, [assignment: other capabilities], no other capabilities ] that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from disclosure and detection of modification of the channel data.
The TSF shall permit the TSF or the authorized IT entities to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [assignment: list of services for which the TSF is able to initiate communications].
Application Note: TLS is mandated for SIP trunking as required by FIA_SIPT_EXT.1.

5.2 TOE Security Functional Requirements

The following section describes the SFRs that must be satisfied by any TOE that claims conformance to this PP-Module. These SFRs must be claimed regardless of which PP-Configuration is used to define the TOE.

5.2.1 Security Audit (FAU)

FAU_ARP_EXT.1 Security Audit Automatic Response

The TSF shall be capable of using [selection: TLS, IPsec, SSH, HTTPS, SNMPv3 ] to transmit potential security violations to an external IT entity in the OE upon detection.
Application Note: The selected protocols must be reflected in FTP_ITC.1.

FAU_GEN.1/SBC Audit Data Generation (Session Border Controller)

The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events:
  1. Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions;
  2. All auditable events for the [not specified] level of audit;
  3. All administrative actions;
  4. [Specifically defined auditable events listed in the Auditable Events table (Table 2)
Requirement Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents
FAU_SAA.1 None
FAU_SEL.1 None
FDP_IFC.1 None
FDP_IFF.1 Any modifications to the B2BUA policy None
FFW_ACL_EXT.1 Application of traffic filtering rules Source and destination of observed traffic
Rule relevant to observed traffic
Result of rule evaluation
FFW_ACL_EXT.2 Application of traffic filtering rules Source and destination of observed traffic
Rule relevant to observed traffic
Result of rule evaluation
FFW_DPI_EXT.1 Application of deep packet inspection rules Source and destination of observed traffic
Rule relevant to observed traffic
Result of rule evaluation
FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 Call Detail Record (CDR) Calling party
Called party
Start time of the call
Call duration
Call type
FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 All SIP trunk authentication attempts Username and IP address of the service provider
FMT_SMF.1/SBC All management actions Identifier of initiator
FRU_RSA.1 None
FTP_ITC.1/ESC Initiation of the trusted channel Identification of the initiator and target of the trusted channel
Termination of the trusted channel
Failure of the trusted channel functions
FTP_ITC.1/H323 (selection-based) Initiation of the trusted channel Identification of the initiator and target of the trusted channel
Termination of the trusted channel
Failure of the trusted channel functions
FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP Initiation of the trusted channel Identification of the initiator and target of the trusted channel
Termination of the trusted channel
Failure of the trusted channel functions
Table 2: Auditable Events
Application Note: The auditable events defined in the Auditable Events table are for the SFRs that are explicitly defined in this PP-Module. For any SFRs that are included as part of the TOE based on the claimed Base-PP, it is expected that any applicable auditable events defined for those SFRs in the Base-PP are also claimed as part of the TSF.

The Base-PP iteration of the SFR also requires “all administrative actions” to be audited. When the TOE includes this PP-Module, it is expected that this will also include the administrative actions that support the PP-Module defined in FMT_SMF.1/SBC.

For SFRs labeled as optional or selection-based, the auditable event is required only if the corresponding SFR is claimed.

A CDR is expected to be generated at the start of a session, at the end of a session, and during a session at an interval or time period specified by the ST author.
The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information:
  1. Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and
  2. For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP-Module/ST, [information specified in column three of the Auditable Events table (Table 2)].

FAU_SAA.1 Potential Violation Analysis

The TSF shall be able to apply a set of rules in monitoring the audited events and based upon these rules indicate a potential violation of the enforcement of the SFRs.
The TSF shall enforce the following rules for monitoring audited events:
  1. Accumulation or combination of [assignment: subset of defined auditable events] known to indicate a potential security violation;
  2. [assignment: any other rules]
Application Note: Examples of monitored audited events include authentication failures, self-test failures, or environmental failures (e.g. temperature violation).

FAU_SEL.1 Selective Audit

The TSF shall be able to select the set of events to be audited from the set of all auditable events based on the following attributes:
  1. [event type
  2. [assignment: list of additional attributes that audit selectivity is based upon]
Application Note: The auditable events associated with traffic filtering rules (see the FFW_ACL_EXT.2 and FFW_DPI_EXT.1 rows in Table 2 table above) may generate a significant volume of traffic that make them impractical to generate on a persistent basis. The TOE must have the ability to generate these records when necessary but this SFR exists to allow for the generation of those events to be suppressed when the TOE is in its evaluated configuration.

5.2.2 Cryptographic Support (FCS)

FCS_SRTP_EXT.1 Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol

The TSF shall implement the Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) that complies with RFC 3711, and use Security Descriptions for Media Streams (SDES) in compliance with RFC 4568 to provide key information for the SRTP connection.
The TSF shall implement SDES-SRTP supporting the following ciphersuites: [selection:
  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, in accordance with RFC 4568
  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32, in accordance with RFC 4568
  • AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80, in accordance with RFC 6188
  • AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32, in accordance with RFC 6188
  • AEAD_AES_128_GCM, in accordance with RFC 7714
  • AEAD_AES_256_GCM, in accordance with RFC 7714
Application Note: This requirement specifies that the SRTP session that will be used to carry the VVoIP traffic will be keyed according to an SDES dialog using one of the identified ciphersuites. The ST author should select all ciphersuites that are supported.
The TSF shall ensure the SRTP NULL algorithm [selection: is disabled, can be disabled by a [Security Administrator] ].
The TSF shall allow the SRTP ports to be used for SRTP communications to be specified by a [Security Administrator].

5.2.3 User Data Protection (FDP)

FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information Flow Control

The TSF shall enforce the [B2BUA policy] on [caller-callee pairs attempting to communicate through the TOE].

FDP_IFF.1 Simple Security Attributes

The TSF shall enforce the [B2BUA policy] based on the following types of subject and information security attributes: [assignment: method by which the TSF identifies each endpoint for a call].
The TSF shall permit an information flow between a controlled subject and controlled information via a controlled operation if the following rules hold: [when valid communication through the TOE is attempted, the TSF will establish a connection between itself and the caller; the TSF will establish a second connection between itself and the callee; and the TSF will redirect all communications that it receives between the two endpoints out through the proper connection].
The TSF shall enforce the [following configurable behavioral rules: [selection:
  • Default-deny (allowlist) posture: If configured, the TSF will implicitly deny all information flows except for those explicitly authorized by the TSF
  • Default-allow (denylist) posture: If configured, the TSF will implicitly allow all information flows except for those explicitly denied by the TSF
The TSF shall explicitly authorize an information flow based on the following rules: [if the TSF is operating in an allowlist posture, any calling parties that are present on the allowlist (identifiable by calling number, source IP address, or communications protocols) are explicitly authorized].
The TSF shall explicitly deny an information flow based on the following rules: [if the TSF is operating in a denylist posture, any calling parties that are present on the denylist (identifiable by calling number or source IP address, or communications protocols) are explicitly denied].

5.2.4 Firewall (FFW)

FFW_ACL_EXT.1 Real-Time Communications Traffic Filtering

The TSF shall perform traffic filtering on network packets processed by the TOE.
The TSF shall allow the definition of traffic filtering for real-time communications traffic using the following network protocol fields:
  • IPv4
    • source address
    • destination address
    • transport layer protocol
  • IPv6
    • source address
    • destination address
    • transport layer protocol
  • TCP (for signaling channel)
    • source port
    • destination port
  • UDP (for signaling channel)
    • source port
    • destination port
  • Distinct Interface (physical versus virtual or trust zone, e.g., trusted versus untrusted)
  • [Application (Real-Time Communications Protocol)
    • signaling protocols: [selection: SIP, H.323 ]]
Application Note: Real-time communications traffic can use multiple transport protocols and ports. Therefore, traffic filtering rules should be defined using the network protocol fields above, and one type of traffic may require multiple rules to be applied.

If “H.323” is selected in this requirement, the ST must include the selection-based SFR FTP_ITC.1/H323.
The TSF shall allow the following operations to be associated with traffic filtering rules: permit or drop with the capability to log the operation for each specific rule defined.
Application Note: Whether or not logging is performed may be applied to individual rules or groups of rules on an independent basis. For example, if there are six rules defined, the TOE should allow for any subset of these rules to be logged, independent of one another.
The TSF shall allow the traffic filtering rules to be assigned to each distinct network interface.
The TSF shall:
  • Accept a network packet without further processing of traffic filtering rules if it matches an allowed established session for the following protocols: TCP, UDP, based on the following network packet attributes:
    • TCP: source and destination addresses, source and destination ports, sequence number, flags
    • UDP: source and destination addresses, source and destination ports
  • Remove existing traffic flows from the set of established traffic flows based on the following: [selection: session inactivity timeout, completion of the expected information flow ].
The TSF shall process the applicable traffic filtering rules in an administratively defined order.
The TSF shall deny packet flow if a matching rule is not identified.

FFW_ACL_EXT.2 Stateful VVoIP Traffic Filtering

The TSF shall perform stateful traffic filtering on the following VVoIP protocols: [selection: SIP, H.323 (H.225, H.245), MGCP ].
Application Note: If “H.323” is selected in this requirement, the ST must include the selection-based SFR FTP_ITC.1/H323.
The TSF shall enforce the following default stateful traffic filtering rules on all network traffic matching protocol types identified in FFW_ACL_EXT.2.1:[selection:
  • SIP traffic where a BYE message precedes an INVITE message
  • H.225 traffic where an RCF reply precedes any other traffic
  • H.245 traffic where a ResponseMessage precedes a RequestMessage
  • MGCP traffic where a DLCX message precedes a CRCX message
Application Note: The stateful traffic filtering rules selected in FFW_ACL_EXT.2.2 must match the selections made for VVoIP protocols in FFW_ACL_EXT.2.1.
The TSF shall terminate any connection found to be in violation of the default stateful traffic filtering rules and provide the ability to generate an audit record of the event.
Application Note: Due to the potential for an SBC to receive large amounts of traffic that gets filtered by the default stateful traffic filtering rules, this PP-Module only requires that the TSF have the ability to generate audit records for all events. “Configure traffic filtering rules” in FMT_SMF.1/SBC provides an expectation that the administrator can determine which rules cause audit records to be generated so that the environment is not producing an excessively large volume of audit data.
The TSF shall dynamically open media ports to VVoIP protocol traffic upon negotiation of a session and close these ports upon termination of a session.
The TSF shall not define a static range of ports to remain open indefinitely for the purpose of allowing VVoIP protocol traffic.

FFW_DPI_EXT.1 Deep Packet Inspection

The TSF shall implement DPI for the following protocols: [selection: H.323 (H.225, H.245), SIP, RTP, RTCP ].
Application Note: If “H.323” is selected in this requirement, the ST must include the selection-based SFR FTP_ITC.1/H323.
The TSF shall enforce the following rules for DPI: [assignment: for each protocol listed in FFW_DPI_EXT.1.1, list elements of the packet data that are examined for potentially malicious content or compatibility with the protocol definition].
When traffic is found to be in violation of a DPI rule, the TSF shall take the following action: [selection: drop the traffic, generate an audit record, generate an alarm ].

FFW_NAT_EXT.1 Topology Hiding/NAT Traversal

The TSF shall support NAT of signaling and media channel traffic through the TOE that is mediated by the [B2BUA policy] defined by FDP_IFC.1.
The TSF shall support NAT for the following protocols: [selection: SIP, SIP-TLS, H.225, H.245 ].
The TSF shall use NAT to replace the IP address header value of traffic originating from the internal network with [selection: the IP address of the TOE, a [Security Administrator]-defined value ].
The TSF shall maintain a NAT table to ensure that traffic bound for the internal network is directed to only the intended recipient.

5.2.5 Identification and Authentication (FIA)

FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 Session Initiation Protocol Trunking

The TSF shall provide support for SIP trunking.
The TSF shall require a service provider to provide valid identification in the form of a [selection: username and password, X.509 certificate ] and IP address in order to establish a SIP trunk.
The TSF shall require a service provider to provide a valid authentication credential in order to establish a SIP trunk.
The TSF shall require a service provider to encrypt traffic using TLS in order to establish a SIP trunk.

5.2.6 Security Management (FMT)

FMT_SMF.1/SBC Specification of Management Functions (SBC)

The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions related to SBC functionality: [Ability of a Security Administrator to:
  • Change a user's password
  • Require a user's password to be changed upon next login
  • Configure the auditable events that will result in the generation of an alarm
  • Configure the B2BUA policy
  • Configure traffic filtering rules
  • Configure auditable events
  • Configure NAT
  • Configure ports and cryptography for signaling and media communications
  • Configure SIP communications
Application Note: This SFR defines additional management functions for the TOE beyond what is defined in the Base-PP as FMT_SMF.1. The TOE may have all management functionality implemented in the same logical interface; it is not necessary for “network device management” and “SBC management” to be implemented in separate interfaces.

This PP-Module may rely on management functionality defined in the Base-PP to support the implementation of its functions. For example, the SBC portion of the TOE relies on the reliable time function that must be implemented by the Base-PP portion of the TOE. If the Base-PP implements this using NTP, the “Ability to set the time which is used for time-stamps” or “Ability to configure NTP” management function defined in FMT_SMF.1 in the Base-PP can be used to address this PP-Module’s dependency on reliable system time. Note that support for NTP is recommended but not required.

The 'configurable auditable events' function relates to FAU_SEL.1, specifically with respect to allowing a Security Administrator to determine whether a given event is auditable. As this refers to the events for the triggering of various filtering rules, it may be implicitly addressed through the ‘configure traffic filtering rules’ function, for example by explicitly defining a rule with a type that automatically requires it to be logged or a parameter that causes it to be logged if triggered.

5.2.7 Resource Utilization (FRU)

FRU_PRS_EXT.1 Limited Priority of Service

The TSF shall assign a priority to each type of communications packet that traverses the TSF.
The TSF shall ensure that each access to network bandwidth shall be mediated on the basis of the subject’s assigned priority.

FRU_RSA.1 Maximum Quotas

The TSF shall enforce maximum quotas of the following resources: [CPU, memory, [assignment: other resources]], that [subjects] can use [selection: simultaneously, over a specified period of time ].
Application Note: The intent of this SFR is for the TOE to be resistant to DoS attacks.

5.2.8 Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)

FTP_ITC.1/ARP Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (Automatic Response)

The TSF shall be capable of using [selection: TLS, IPsec, SSH, DTLS, HTTPS, SNMPv3 ] to provide a trusted communication channel between itself and authorized IT entities supporting the following capabilities: security audit automatic response that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data.
The TSF shall permit [the TSF] to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [transmission of potential security violations].
Application Note: This SFR is used to specify any trusted protocols that are implemented in support of FAU_ARP_EXT.1.

FTP_ITC.1/ESC Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (ESC Communications)

The TSF shall provide a signaling channel between itself and an ESC using TLS as specified in FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 and FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 and [selection: DTLS as specified in FCS_DTLSC_EXT.1 and FCS_DTLSC_EXT.2, no other protocol ] that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure.
Application Note: FCS_TLSC_EXT.1, FCS_TLSC_EXT.2, FCS_DTLSC_EXT.1, and FCS_DTLSC_EXT.2 are defined in the Base-PP.
The TSF shall permit [the TSF] to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [all communications with the ESC].

FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (VVoIP Communications)

The TSF shall be capable of using SRTP, [selection: SIP-TLS, IPsec, H.235, [assignment: other protocols] ] to provide a trusted communication channel between itself and authorized IT entities supporting the following capabilities: VVoIP signaling and media channels that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure.
Application Note: FCS_TLSC_EXT.1, FCS_TLSC_EXT.2, FCS_DTLSC_EXT.1, and FCS_DTLSC_EXT.2 are defined in the Base-PP.
The TSF shall permit [the TSF, the authorized IT entities] to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [assignment: list of functions for which a trusted channel is required].

5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale

The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE, showing that the SFRs are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives:

Table 3: SFR Rationale
ObjectiveAddressed byRationale
FMT_SMF.1/SBC This SFR supports the objective by defining TSF management functions that require authorizations to use.
FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by requiring TLS for SIP trunking and ESC signaling channel communications.
FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by requiring mutually-authenticated TLS for SIP trunking.
FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by requiring TLS for SIP trunking and ESC signaling channel communications.
FCS_TLSS_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by requiring mutually-authenticated TLS for SIP trunking.
FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by defining requirements for the X.509 validation algorithm used by the TOE’s TLS implementation.
FIA_X509_EXT.2 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by defining requirements for the X.509 validation algorithm used by the TOE’s TLS implementation.
FIA_X509_EXT.3 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by defining a mechanism by which the TOE obtains the certificates it uses for TLS client and server connections.
FTP_ITC.1 (refined from Base-PP) This SFR supports the objective by defining external interfaces that require protected communications as well as the trusted protocols used to protect those communications.
FCS_SRTP_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the TOE’s implementation of the SRTP protocol that is used to protect VVoIP endpoint communications.
FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining secure behavior for SIP trunking.
FTP_ITC.1/ESC This SFR supports the objective by defining how communications of potential security violations are protected.
FTP_ITC.1/ESC This SFR supports the objective by defining how communications with an external ESC are protected.
FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP This SFR supports the objective by defining how communications with an external VVoIP endpoint are protected.
FTP_ITC.1/H323 (selection-based) This SFR supports the objective by defining H.323 as a permitted method of protected communications for when a conformant TOE implements this logical interface.
FRU_PRS_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by requiring the TSF to implement priority of service to ensure that low-priority traffic cannot cause a DoS.
FRU_RSA.1 This SFR supports the objective by enforcing quotas for TSF resources to prevent DoS.
FAU_ARP_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the ability to generate security violations that are transmitted to external entities.
FAU_GEN.1/SBC This SFR supports the objective by iterating a Base-PP requirement to define additional auditable events that are specific to SBC functionality.
FAU_SAA.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining a set of rules to monitor auditable events for potential security violations.
FAU_SEL.1 This SFR supports the objective by allowing for some monitoring functions to be selectively enabled and disabled as needed so that the generation of lower-priority audit records can be suppressed when it is not practical to generate those records for performance reasons.
FTP_ITC.1/ARP This SFR supports the objective by defining the trusted channel used to securely communicate potential security violations.
FDP_IFC.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining a B2BUA policy so that VVoIP endpoints are only connected to each other through the TOE as an intermediary.
FDP_IFF.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the specific rules that the B2BUA policy enforces.
FFW_NAT_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the use of NAT to obfuscate IP addresses of endpoint devices on the TOE’s internal network.
FFW_ACL_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining capabilities for traffic filtering of network packets.
FFW_ACL_EXT.2 This SFR supports the objective by defining specific methods of stateful traffic inspection for specific protocols.
FFW_DPI_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the capability to perform DPI for certain network traffic.
FDP_IFC.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining a B2BUA policy that is used by the TOE to establish connections between VVoIP endpoints.
FDP_IFF.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the rules that the B2BUA policy enforces.
FFW_NAT_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by requiring the use of NAT to maintain a unique relationship between how external entities identify entities on the TOE’s internal network and how they are actually addressed by that network.
FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 This SFR supports the objective by defining the use of SIP trunking, which requires authentication of endpoints to ensure data is only transmitted to the intended endpoint.
FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 (implementation-based) This SFR supports the objective by defining an optional capability to handle SIP registration in cases where the OE does not include an ESC that will provide that functionality.

6 Consistency Rationale

6.1 Collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices

6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type

When this PP-Module is used to extend the NDcPP, the TOE type for the overall TOE is still a network device. The TOE boundary is simply extended to include SBC functionality that is provided by the network device.

6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition

PP-Module Threat, Assumption, OSPConsistency Rationale
T.MALICIOUS_TRAFFIC The Base-PP does not define a threat for malicious traffic because all of its security-relevant external interfaces define the network device as the endpoint. This PP-Module defines interfaces where the TOE is facilitating a connection between two external entities, such that traffic between them will flow through the TOE as opposed to to and from the TOE. This threat is consistent with the Base-PP because it is only applied to the interfaces defined in this PP-Module where it is relevant; it does not apply to the interfaces defined in the Base-PP.
T.NETWORK_ACCESS The Base-PP does not define a threat for access to network resources because all of its security-relevant external interfaces define the network device as the endpoint. This PP-Module defines interfaces where the TOE is facilitating a connection between two external entities, such that traffic between them will flow through the TOE as opposed to into and out of the TOE. This threat is consistent with the Base-PP because it is only applied to the interfaces defined in this PP-Module where it is relevant; it does not apply to the interfaces defined in the Base-PP.
T.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTION The threat of network traffic causing the TOE to be unable to perform its functions is similar to T.SECURITY_FUNCTIONALITY_FAILURE in the Base-PP because the intent of the threat is to cause the TSF to fail. The Base-PP does not define DoS protections because it does not define logical interfaces that are intended to process large volumes of network traffic. This PP-Module extends the threat by defining a specific example of it that applies to an SBC device that has this functionality.
T.UNTRUSTED_COMMUNICATION_CHANNELS The threat of disclosure of data in transit is fundamentally the same as the NDcPP threat with the same name. This PP-Module extends the threat to apply to the external interfaces that are defined specifically in support of SBC functions.
T.USER_DATA_REUSE The Base-PP does not define a threat of user data transmitted to the wrong destination because all of its security-relevant external interfaces define the network device as the endpoint. This PP-Module defines interfaces where the TOE is facilitating a connection between two external entities, such that traffic between them will flow through the TOE as opposed to to and from the TOE. This threat is consistent with the Base-PP because it is only applied to the interfaces defined in this PP-Module where it is relevant; it does not apply to the interfaces defined in the Base-PP.

6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives

The objectives for the TOEs are consistent with the NDcPP based on the following rationale:

PP-Module TOE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
O.AUTHORIZED_ADMINISTRATION The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.PROTECTED_COMMUNICATIONS The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.RESOURCE_AVAILABILITY The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.SYSTEM_MONITORING The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.TOPOLOGY_HIDING The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.TRAFFIC_FILTERING The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.
O.USER_DATA_DELIVERY The NDcPP does not define any TOE objectives; instead, it maps SFRs directly to threats. This TOE objective is consistent with the NDcPP because the individual security functions needed to satisfy the objective do not contradict with the security functions required by the NDcPP.

6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements

This PP-Module identifies several SFRs from the NDcPP that are needed to support Session Border Controller functionality. This is considered to be consistent because the functionality provided by the NDcPP is being used for its intended purpose. The PP-Module also identifies a number of modified SFRs from the NDcPP that are used entirely to provide functionality for Session Border Controllers. The rationale for why this does not conflict with the claims defined by the NDcPP are as follows:
PP-Module RequirementConsistency Rationale
Modified SFRs
FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this selection-based SFR because it is required to implement the trusted communications required by the PP-Module.
FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this optional SFR because it is required to implement the trusted communications required by the PP-Module.
FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this selection-based SFR because it is required to implement the trusted communications required by the PP-Module.
FCS_TLSS_EXT.2 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this optional SFR because it is required to implement the trusted communications required by the PP-Module.
FIA_X509_EXT.1/Rev This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this selection-based SFR because it is a dependency of the TLS requirements that it also mandates.
FIA_X509_EXT.2 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this selection-based SFR because it is a dependency of the TLS requirements that it also mandates.
FIA_X509_EXT.3 This PP-Module mandates the inclusion of this selection-based SFR because it is a dependency of the TLS requirements that it also mandates.
FTP_ITC.1 This PP-Module refines the Base-PP SFR to mandate the use of one of the trusted protocols defined by the Base-PP.
Additional SFRs
This PP-Module does not add any requirements when the NDcPP is the base.
Mandatory SFRs
FAU_ARP_EXT.1 This SFR applies to the generation of alerts when a given auditable event is detected, which is beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FAU_GEN.1/SBC This SFR is an iteration of a Base-PP requirement that defines additional auditable events for SBC functionality that the Base-PP could not be expected to cover.
FAU_SAA.1 This SFR applies to the detection of auditable events as potential security violations requiring the generation of alerts, which is beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FAU_SEL.1 This SFR applies to the behavior of the audit function with respect to the auditable events defined in this PP-Module. It does not affect the audit functions that apply to the Base-PP.
FCS_SRTP_EXT.1 This SFR applies to the implementation of SRTP, which is a protocol that is not used for any Base-PP functionality.
FDP_IFC.1 This SFR applies to the TOE’s implementation of a B2BUA policy, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FDP_IFF.1 This SFR applies to the TOE’s implementation of a B2BUA policy, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FFW_ACL_EXT.1 This SFR applies to traffic filtering, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FFW_ACL_EXT.2 This SFR applies to traffic filtering, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FFW_DPI_EXT.1 This SFR applies to DPI, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FFW_NAT_EXT.1 This SFR applies to NAT, which applies to the TOE’s through-traffic interfaces and is therefore beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 This SFR applies to SIP trunking, which is a logical interface that is beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
FMT_SMF.1/SBC This SFR is an iteration of a Base-PP requirement that defines additional management functions for SBC functionality that the Base-PP could not be expected to cover.
FRU_PRS_EXT.1 This SFR applies to enforcement of bandwidth priority of service, which is a mechanism that is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not interfere with the ability of the Base-PP to process valid network traffic securely.
FRU_RSA.1 This SFR applies to enforcement of resource quotas, which is a mechanism that is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not interfere with the ability of the Base-PP to process valid network traffic securely.
FTP_ITC.1/ARP This SFR is used to specify the trusted channel used for transmission of alerts as specified in FAU_ARP_EXT.1.
FTP_ITC.1/ESC This PP-Module iterates an SFR defined in the Base-PP to define a new external interface for communications with an ESC. This does not interfere with the ability of the Base-PP to enforce its security functionality on the existing logical interfaces.
FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP This PP-Module iterates an SFR defined in the Base-PP to define a new external interface for communications with a VVoIP endpoint. This does not interfere with the ability of the Base-PP to enforce its security functionality on the existing logical interfaces.
Optional SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Optional requirements.
Objective SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Objective requirements.
Implementation-based SFRs
FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 This SFR applies to SIP registration, which is beyond the original scope of the Base-PP.
Selection-based SFRs
FTP_ITC.1/H323 This PP-Module iterates an SFR defined in the Base-PP to define a new external interface for communications using H.323. This does not interfere with the ability of the Base-PP to enforce its security functionality on the existing logical interfaces.

Appendix A - Optional SFRs

A.1 Strictly Optional Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Strictly Optional SFRs.

A.2 Objective Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Objective SFRs.

A.3 Implementation-based Requirements

A.3.1 Identification and Authentication (FIA)

FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 Session Initiation Protocol Registration

The TSF shall implement the [selection: SIP that complies with RFC 3261, H.323 protocol that complies with ITU-REC H.235.0 ] using the Session Description Protocol (SDP) complying with RFC 4566 to describe the multimedia session that will be used to carry the VVoIP traffic.
Application Note: If “H.323 protocol that complies with ITU-REC H.235.0” is selected in this requirement, the ST must include the selection-based SFR FTP_ITC.1/H323.
The TSF shall require password authentication for SIP REGISTER function requests as specified in Section 22 of RFC 3261.
The TSF shall support ESC authentication passwords that contain at least [assignment: positive integer of 8 or more] characters in the set of [upper case characters, lower case characters, numbers, and the following special characters: “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“, and “)”, and [assignment: other supported special characters]].
The TSF shall provide the ability to modify SIP header values for SIP traffic received by the TOE prior to retransmitting the traffic.
Application Note: This SFR is optional because this functionality is not standard for SBCs because device registration can generally be handled by an ESC in the TOE’s OE. However, in some cases, SIP registration directly to the SBC is required. If an SBC advertises this service, it is expected that this functionality be included within the TOE boundary. This SFR is therefore implementation-based on whether the SBC has the capability to perform its own SIP registration of devices.

Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements

B.1 Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)

FTP_ITC.1/H323 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (H.323 Communications)

The inclusion of this selection-based component depends upon selection in FFW_ACL_EXT.1.2, FFW_ACL_EXT.2.1, FFW_DPI_EXT.1.1, FIA_SIPS_EXT.1.1.
The TSF shall provide an H.323 communication channel in accordance with ITU-REC H.235.0 between itself and a gatekeeper using TLS as specified in FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 and FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 and [selection: IPsec as specified in FCS_IPSEC_EXT.1, no other protocol ] that is logically distinct from other communication channels and provides assured identification of its end points and protection of the channel data from modification or disclosure.
Application Note: FCS_IPSEC_EXT.1, FCS_TLSC_EXT.1, and FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 are defined in the Base-PP.
The TSF shall permit [the TSF] to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [all communications with the gatekeeper].
Application Note: This SFR is claimed if H.323 is specified as being supported by the TOE in FFW_ACL_EXT.1, FFW_ACL_EXT.2, FFW_DPI_EXT.1, or FIA_SIPS_EXT.1.

Appendix C - Extended Component Definitions

This appendix contains the definitions for all extended requirements specified in the PP-Module.

C.1 Extended Components Table

All extended components specified in the PP-Module are listed in this table:
Table 4: Extended Component Definitions
Functional ClassFunctional Components
Cryptographic Support (FCS)FCS_SRTP_EXT Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol
Firewall (FFW)FFW_ACL_EXT Traffic Filtering
FFW_DPI_EXT Deep Packet Inspection
FFW_NAT_EXT Network Address Translation
Identification and Authentication (FIA)FIA_SIPS_EXT Session Initiation Protocol Registration
FIA_SIPT_EXT Session Initiation Protocol Trunking
Resource Utilization (FRU)FRU_PRS_EXT Limited Priority of Service
Security Audit (FAU)FAU_ARP_EXT Security Audit Automatic Response

C.2 Extended Component Definitions

C.2.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FCS class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.1.1 FCS_SRTP_EXT Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for the implementation of SRTP.

Component Leveling


FCS_SRTP_EXT.1, Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol, requires the TSF to implement SRTP in accordance with specified standards, and for some of this functionality to be configurable.

Management: FCS_SRTP_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of ports and cryptography for signaling communications.


There are no auditable events foreseen.

FCS_SRTP_EXT.1 Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles

FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel


The TSF shall implement the Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) that complies with RFC 3711, and use Security Descriptions for Media Streams (SDES) in compliance with RFC 4568 to provide key information for the SRTP connection.


The TSF shall implement SDES-SRTP supporting the following ciphersuites [assignment: list of supported ciphersuites and the standard in which they are defined].


The TSF shall ensure the SRTP NULL algorithm [selection: is disabled, can be disabled by a [assignment: administrator role] ].


The TSF shall allow the SRTP ports to be used for SRTP communications to be specified by a [assignment: administrator role].

C.2.2 Firewall (FFW)

Firewall functionality involves selective processing of network traffic such that the traffic is routed or discarded based on some notion of whether the traffic is valid. Requirements in this class define capabilities for these processing functions.

C.2.2.1 FFW_ACL_EXT Traffic Filtering

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for controlling traffic filtering, including the use of stateful traffic filtering on protocols and ports.

Component Leveling


FFW_ACL_EXT.1, Real-Time Communications Traffic Filtering, requires the TSF to implement traffic filtering rules based on network protocol attributes.

FFW_ACL_EXT.2, Stateful VVoIP Traffic Filtering, requires the TSF to perform stateful traffic filtering on traffic that matches certain unauthorized state conditions.

Management: FFW_ACL_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of traffic filtering rules.

Audit: FFW_ACL_EXT.1

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Application of traffic filtering rules.

FFW_ACL_EXT.1 Real-Time Communications Traffic Filtering

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: None


The TSF shall perform traffic filtering on network packets processed by the TOE.


The TSF shall allow the definition of traffic filtering for real-time communications traffic using the following network protocol fields:
  • IPv4
    • source address
    • destination address
    • transport layer protocol
  • IPv6
    • source address
    • destination address
    • transport layer protocol
  • TCP
    • source port
    • destination port
  • UDP
    • source port
    • destination port
  • Distinct Interface
  • [assignment: other protocols or protocol types]


The TSF shall allow the following operations to be associated with traffic filtering rules: permit or drop with the capability to log the operation for each specific rule defined.


The TSF shall allow the traffic filtering rules to be assigned to each distinct network interface.


The TSF shall:
  • Accept a network packet without further processing of traffic filtering rules if it matches an allowed established session for the following protocols: TCP, UDP, based on the following network packet attributes:
    • TCP: source and destination addresses, source and destination ports, sequence number, flags
    • UDP: source and destination addresses, source and destination ports
  • Remove existing traffic flows from the set of established traffic flows based on the following: [selection: session inactivity timeout, completion of the expected information flow ].


The TSF shall process the applicable traffic filtering rules in an administratively defined order.


The TSF shall deny packet flow if a matching rule is not identified.

Management: FFW_ACL_EXT.2

No specific management functions are identified.

Audit: FFW_ACL_EXT.2

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Application of traffic filtering rules.

FFW_ACL_EXT.2 Stateful VVoIP Traffic Filtering

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: None


The TSF shall perform stateful traffic filtering on the following VVoIP protocols: [assignment: VVoIP protocols].


The TSF shall enforce the following default stateful traffic filtering rules on all network traffic matching protocol types identified in FFW_ACL_EXT.2.1:
  • [assignment: default stateful traffic filtering rules]


The TSF shall terminate any connection found to be in violation of the default stateful traffic filtering rules and provide the ability to generate an audit record of the event.


The TSF shall dynamically open media ports to VVoIP protocol traffic upon negotiation of a session and close these ports upon termination of a session.


The TSF shall not define a static range of ports to remain open indefinitely for the purpose of allowing VVoIP protocol traffic.

C.2.2.2 FFW_DPI_EXT Deep Packet Inspection

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for implementation of DPI functionality.

Component Leveling


FFW_DPI_EXT.1, Deep Packet Inspection, defines traffic that the TSF is expected to be able to perform DPI on, the specific elements of that traffic that is subject to DPI, and the action that is taken when invalid traffic is discovered by the DPI mechanism.

Management: FFW_DPI_EXT.1

No specific management functions are identified.

Audit: FFW_DPI_EXT.1

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Application of DPI rules.

FFW_DPI_EXT.1 Deep Packet Inspection

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: None


The TSF shall implement DPI for the following protocols: [assignment: communications protocols].


The TSF shall enforce the following rules for DPI: [assignment: for each protocol listed in FFW_DPI_EXT.1.1, list elements of the packet data that are examined for potentially malicious content or compatibility with the protocol definition].


When traffic is found to be in violation of a DPI rule, the TSF shall take the following action: [assignment: action taken in response to rule violation].

C.2.2.3 FFW_NAT_EXT Network Address Translation

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for implementation of NAT.

Component Leveling


FFW_NAT_EXT.1, Topology Hiding/NAT Traversal, requires the TSF to implement NAT for defined network protocols.

Management: FFW_NAT_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of NAT.

Audit: FFW_NAT_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FFW_NAT_EXT.1 Topology Hiding/NAT Traversal

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information Flow Control

FMT_SMR.1 Security Roles


The TSF shall support NAT of signaling and media channel traffic through the TOE that is mediated by the [assignment: information flow control policy] defined by FDP_IFC.1.


The TSF shall support NAT for the following protocols: [assignment: list of protocols].


The TSF shall use NAT to replace the IP address header value of traffic originating from the internal network with [selection: the IP address of the TOE, a [assignment: administrator role]-defined value ].


The TSF shall maintain a NAT table to ensure that traffic bound for the internal network is directed to only the intended recipient.

C.2.3 Identification and Authentication (FIA)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FIA class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.3.1 FIA_SIPT_EXT Session Initiation Protocol Trunking

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for SIP validation, authentication, and traffic encryption.

Component Leveling


FIA_SIPT_EXT.1, Session Initiation Protocol Trunking, requires the TSF to implement SIP trunking using defined authentication and encryption methods.

Management: FIA_SIPT_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of SIP communications.


The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • All SIP trunk authentication attempts.

FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 Session Initiation Protocol Trunking

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 TLS Client Protocol without Mutual Authentication

FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 TLS Client Support for Mutual Authentication

FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 TLS Server Protocol without Mutual Authentication

FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 TLS Server Support for Mutual Authentication

FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel


The TSF shall provide support for SIP trunking.


The TSF shall require a service provider to provide valid identification in the form of a [selection: username and password, X.509 certificate ] and IP address in order to establish a SIP trunk.


The TSF shall require a service provider to provide a valid authentication credential in order to establish a SIP trunk.


The TSF shall require a service provider to encrypt traffic using TLS in order to establish a SIP trunk.

C.2.3.2 FIA_SIPS_EXT Session Initiation Protocol Registration

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for SIP registration.

Component Leveling


FIA_SIPS_EXT.1, Session Initiation Protocol Registration, defines requirements for how the TSF must implement SIP registration, including protocol implementations and constraints on authentication.

Management: FIA_SIPS_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of SIP communications.


The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Call Detail Record (CDR)

FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 Session Initiation Protocol Registration

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: None


The TSF shall implement the [selection: SIP that complies with RFC 3261, H.323 protocol that complies with ITU-REC H.235.0 ] using the Session Description Protocol (SDP) complying with RFC 4566 to describe the multimedia session that will be used to carry the VVoIP traffic.


The TSF shall require password authentication for SIP REGISTER function requests as specified in Section 22 of RFC 3261.


The TSF shall support ESC authentication passwords that contain at least [assignment: minimum numeric length] characters in the set of [assignment: supported character set].


The TSF shall provide the ability to modify SIP header values for SIP traffic received by the TOE prior to retransmitting the traffic.

C.2.4 Resource Utilization (FRU)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FRU class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.4.1 FRU_PRS_EXT Limited Priority of Service

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for prioritizing communication packets and bandwidth.

Component Leveling


FRU_PRS_EXT.1, Limited Priority of Service, requires the TSF to implement mechanisms to limit the amount of network bandwidth that is available to subjects based on certain attributes.

Management: FRU_PRS_EXT.1

No specific management functions are identified.

Audit: FRU_PRS_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FRU_PRS_EXT.1 Limited Priority of Service

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: None


The TSF shall assign a priority to each type of communications packet that traverses the TSF.


The TSF shall ensure that each access to network bandwidth shall be mediated on the basis of the subject’s assigned priority.

C.2.5 Security Audit (FAU)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FAU class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.5.1 FAU_ARP_EXT Security Audit Automatic Response

Family Behavior

This family defines requirements for secure external transmission of detected security violations to the OE.

Component Leveling


FAU_ARP_EXT.1, Security Audit Automatic Response, defines the mechanism used by the TOE to securely transmit security alerts to the OE.

Management: FAU_ARP_EXT.1

No specific management functions are identified.

Audit: FAU_ARP_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FAU_ARP_EXT.1 Security Audit Automatic Response

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FAU_SAA.1 Potential Violation Analysis

FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel


The TSF shall be capable of using [assignment: trusted channel defined in FTP_ITC.1] to transmit potential security violations to an external IT entity in the OE upon detection.

Appendix D - Implicitly Satisfied Requirements

This appendix lists requirements that should be considered satisfied by products successfully evaluated against this PP-Module. These requirements are not featured explicitly as SFRs and should not be included in the ST. They are not included as standalone SFRs because it would increase the time, cost, and complexity of evaluation. This approach is permitted by [CC] Part 1, 8.2 Dependencies between components.

This information benefits systems engineering activities which call for inclusion of particular security controls. Evaluation against the PP-Module provides evidence that these controls are present and have been evaluated.

Table 5: Implicitly Satisfied Requirements
RequirementRationale for Satisfaction
FMT_MSA.3 – Static Attribute Initialization FDP_IFF.1 has a dependency on FMT_MSA.3 to define the default security posture of security attributes for the purpose of information flow control enforcement. This SFR has not been defined by this PP-Module because the enforcement of FDP_IFF.1 is not dependent on the initial state of security attributes. For example, FDP_IFF.1.2 requires the TSF to determine if a communication attempt is valid before authorizing it. This is true regardless of whether the default value of security attributes associated with the connection attempt are permissive or restrictive; there is no difference in how the TSF determines “validity” in this case.

The default values of security attributes do not cause the information flow control policy to behave differently for those rules that must always be enforced by the TSF. FDP_IFF.1.4 requires that all allowlisted calling parties be authorized while all denylisted calling parties be rejected. It does not matter for the purpose of enforcing this SFR whether the absence of a calling party from both the allowlist and the denylist means they are authorized or rejected by default.

Appendix E - Allocation of Requirements in Distributed TOEs

For a distributed TOE, the SFRs in this PP-Module need to be met by the TOE as a whole, but not all SFRs will necessarily be implemented by all components. The following categories are defined in order to specify when each SFR must be implemented by a component: The table below specifies how each of the SFRs in this PP-Module must be met, using the categories above.
Requirement Description Distributed TOE SFR Allocation
FAU_ARP_EXT.1 Security Audit Automatic Response Feature Dependent
FAU_GEN.1/SBC Audit Data Generation (Session Border Controller) All
FAU_SAA.1 Potential Violation Analysis Feature Dependent
FAU_SEL.1 Selective Audit Feature Dependent
FCS_SRTP_EXT.1 Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol Feature Dependent
FDP_IFC.1 Subset Information Flow Control Feature Dependent
FDP_IFF.1 Simple Security Attributes Feature Dependent
FFW_ACL_EXT.1 Real-Time Communications Traffic Filtering Feature Dependent
FFW_ACL_EXT.2 Stateful VVoIP Traffic Filtering Feature Dependent
FFW_DPI_EXT.1 Deep Packet Inspection Feature Dependent
FFW_NAT_EXT.1 Topology Hiding/NAT Traversal Feature Dependent
FIA_SIPS_EXT.1 (implementation-based) Session Initiation Protocol Registration Feature Dependent
FIA_SIPT_EXT.1 Session Initiation Protocol Trunking Feature Dependent
FMT_SMF.1/SBC Specification of Management Functions (SBC) Feature Dependent
FRU_PRS_EXT.1 Limited Priority of Service Feature Dependent
FRU_RSA.1 Maximum Quotas Feature Dependent
FTP_ITC.1/ESC Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (ESC Communications) Feature Dependent
FTP_ITC.1/H323 (selection-based) Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (H.323 Communications) Feature Dependent
FTP_ITC.1/VVoIP Inter-TSF Trusted Channel (VVoIP Communications) Feature Dependent

Appendix F - Entropy Documentation and Assessment

The TOE does not require any additional supplementary information to describe its entropy sources beyond the requirements outlined in the Base-PP.

Appendix G - Acronyms

ACLAccess Control List
B2BUABack-To-Back User Agent
Base-PPBase Protection Profile
CCCommon Criteria
CDRCall Detail Record
CEMCommon Evaluation Methodology
cPPCollaborative Protection Profile
DoSDenial of Service
DPIDeep Packet Inspection
ESCEnterprise Session Controller
IP-PBXInternet Protocol Public Branch Exchange
MGCPMedia Gateway Control Protocol
NATNetwork Address Translation
OEOperational Environment
PPProtection Profile
PP-ConfigurationProtection Profile Configuration
PP-ModuleProtection Profile Module
QoSQuality of Service
RTCPRTP Control Protocol
RTPReal-Time Transport Protocol
SARSecurity Assurance Requirement
SDESSecurity Descriptions for Media Streams
SDPSession Description Protocol
SFRSecurity Functional Requirement
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SRTPSecure Real-Time Transport Protocol
STSecurity Target
TOETarget of Evaluation
TSFTOE Security Functionality
TSFITSF Interface
TSSTOE Summary Specification
VVoIPVoice/Video Over IP

Appendix H - Bibliography

[CC]Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation -
[NDcPP] collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices, Version 2.2e, March 23, 2020
[NDcPP SD] Supporting Document - Evaluation Activities for Network Device cPP, Version 2.2, December 2019