PP-Module for Redaction Tools

Version: 1.1
National Information Assurance Partnership

Revision History

1.02022-04-29Initial publication
1.12023-08-25Updates to conform to CC:2022


1Introduction1.1Overview1.2Terms1.2.1Common Criteria Terms1.2.2Technical Terms1.3Compliant Targets of Evaluation1.3.1TOE Boundary1.4Use Cases2Conformance Claims3Security Problem Description3.1Threats3.2Assumptions3.3Organizational Security Policies4Security Objectives4.1Security Objectives for the TOE4.2Security Objectives for the Operational Environment4.3Security Objectives Rationale5Security Requirements5.1App PP Security Functional Requirements Direction 5.1.1 Modified SFRs 5.2TOE Security Functional Requirements5.2.1Security Audit (FAU)5.2.2User Data Protection (FDP)5.2.3Security Management (FMT)5.2.4Protection of the TSF (FPT)5.3TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale6Consistency Rationale6.1 Protection Profile for Redaction Tools6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type 6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition 6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives 6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements Appendix A - Optional SFRsA.1Strictly Optional Requirements A.2Objective Requirements A.3Implementation-based Requirements Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements Appendix C - Extended Component DefinitionsC.1Extended Components TableC.2Extended Component DefinitionsC.2.1Security Audit (FAU)C.2.1.1FAU_ALR_EXT Redaction Failure NotificationC.2.1.2FAU_REP_EXT Report GenerationC.2.1.3FAU_SAR_EXT Report ReviewC.2.2Security Management (FMT)C.2.2.1FMT_RVW_EXT Element ReviewC.2.3User Data Protection (FDP)C.2.3.1FDP_DID_EXT Identification of DataC.2.3.2FDP_DIN_EXT Deep InspectionC.2.3.3FDP_LOC_EXT Redact Content from Every LocationC.2.3.4FDP_NND_EXT No New Data Introduced by TOEC.2.3.5FDP_OBJ_EXT Removal of Objects and Corresponding ReferencesC.2.3.6FDP_REM_EXT Removal of Redacted DataC.2.3.7FDP_RIP_EXT Residual Information RemovalC.2.3.8FDP_RPL_EXT Visible Space ReplaceC.2.3.9FDP_SEL_EXT Selected RedactionC.2.3.10FDP_VAL_EXT Validation of DataAppendix D - AcronymsAppendix E - Bibliography

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The scope of the PP-Module for Redaction Tools, Version 1.1 is to describe the security functionality of redaction tools in terms of [CC] and to define functional and assurance requirements for such products. This PP-Module is intended for use with the following Base-PP: This Base-PP is valid for this technology type because a redaction tool is a specific type of software application and can therefore be reasonably expected to implement security functionality that is typical of application software. Redaction is the process of selectively removing and replacing information from a document or other logical container of data for release to an audience not intended to view that information. Redacted information is not limited to classified material; other examples include privacy data, proprietary information, trade secrets, and legal strategy. Instances of redaction include replacing classified text with a black box to release a document to an unclassified environment, replacing privacy-related data such as telephone numbers with all Xs to release a database to a contractor, converting a proprietary format document to Portable Document Format (PDF) to release a what-you-see-is-what-you-get document. The risk from improper or incomplete redaction is the inadvertent disclosure of classified or sensitive data.

Redaction is not sanitization. In the sanitization process, information is removed with no indication that the sanitization process took place. In the redaction process, selected visible information is removed and replaced with something innocuous (e.g., black box or text) so that the reader knows redaction took place. This replacement is a critical part of the process not shared with sanitization.

Figure 1: Sample Redaction Workflow

Figure 1 shows the typical workflow of a document from source to destination and through the redaction process. Other workflows are possible. Software vendors have the flexibility to devise their own workflow solutions for their target consumer. However, in any workflow, this PP-Module applies only to the part of the workflow that is performed by the redaction tool and only to the redaction functionality in that tool. Other functionality in the redaction tool, other tools used in the workflow, the organization's redaction policy, and security requirements and security policies that apply to other parts of the workflow are beyond the scope of this PP-Module.

1.3 Compliant Targets of Evaluation

The Target of Evaluation (TOE) described by this PP-Module is limited to the redaction of electronic documents defined in standards such as the series International Organization for Standards/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC)-29500 (Office Open XML, including but not limited to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents), ISO/IEC-32000 (PDF), or the definitive standard for a format. Mail guards, filters, and batch redaction tools are beyond the scope of this PP-Module. Requirements that apply to features such as administrative control over particular redaction settings, multi-person review prior to release, etc., are outside the scope of this PP-Module. The TOE may have those features but is not required to have them and their use and enforcement is governed by the organization’s redaction policy.

This PP-Module covers the software functionality of the redaction process; it does not include requirements for how users should decide what to redact or other policy issues. Analysis of documents for covert data transfer is part of the decision-making process for what to redact; therefore, it occurs prior to the redaction itself. The requirements in this document are independent of requirements levied on document release by statute or the judiciary.

Data execution risks inherent in some file formats are beyond the scope of this PP-Module. This PP-Module assumes that scanning for such risks occurs prior to the document entering the redaction functionality of the TOE.

Documents to be redacted may contain objects that are vulnerable to steganography, such as images or video. Functional data such as scripts can contain strings or images that may not be accessible to the redaction tool. Analysis of such objects for attacks or covert data transfer will occur outside of the redaction process. An organization’s security policy will determine whether such objects are released or redacted in their entirety.

1.3.1 TOE Boundary

The physical boundary for a TOE that conforms to this PP-Module is a software application that is installed on top of a general-purpose or mobile operating system. The TOE’s logical boundary includes all functionality required by the claimed Base-PP as well as the redaction functionality and related capabilities that are defined in this PP-Module. Any functionality that is provided by the application that is not relevant to the security requirements defined by this PP-Module or the Base-PP is considered to be outside the scope of the TOE.

1.4 Use Cases

Redaction tools perform tasks associated primarily with the following use case.
[USE CASE 1] Content Redaction
Redaction tools are used for the redaction of user-selected content from a document.

2 Conformance Claims

Conformance Statement
An ST must claim exact conformance to this PP-Module.

The evaluation methods used for evaluating the TOE are a combination of the workunits defined in [CEM] as well as the Evaluation Activities for ensuring that individual SFRs have sufficient supporting evidence in the Security Target and guidance documentation and have been sufficiently tested by the laboratory as part of completing ATE_IND.1.
CC Conformance Claims
This PP is conformant to Parts 2 (extended) and 3 (extended) of Common Criteria CC:2022, Revision 1.
PP Claim
This PP-Module does not claim conformance to any other Protection Profile.

No other PPs or PP-Modules are allowed to be specified in a PP-Configuration with this PP-Module beyond its Base-PP.
Package Claim
  • This PP-Module does not claim conformance to any functional packages.
  • This PP-Module conforms to the EAL1 assurance package augmented with ALC_TSU_EXT.1, ASE_OBJ.2, ASE_REQ.2, and ASE_SPD.1.

3 Security Problem Description

The security problem is described in terms of the threats that the TOE is expected to address, assumptions about its operational environment (OE), and any organizational security policies that the TOE is expected to enforce.

3.1 Threats

The following threats defined in this PP-Module add to the threats defined by the Base-PP.
A poorly-designed or poorly-implemented redaction tool can give false confidence of redaction by leaving clues to the nature of the original information in the redacted area of a document.
A poorly-designed or poorly-implemented redaction tool can give false confidence of redcation by failing to remove user-selected visible or hidden data in such a way that the original information is inadvertently distributed.

3.2 Assumptions

These assumptions are made on the Operational Environment (OE) in order to be able to ensure that the security functionality specified in the PP-Module can be provided by the TOE. If the TOE is placed in an OE that does not meet these assumptions, the TOE may no longer be able to provide all of its security functionality. This PP-Module defines assumptions that extend those defined in the supported Base-PP.
The user is knowledgeable about document management and has appropriate training with the redaction tool. Part of this knowledge and training includes how to prepare a document for the redaction tool such as resolving and disabling tracked changes prior to redaction, working with a copy of the document to preserve the original file, and removing passwords and decrypting files.

3.3 Organizational Security Policies

An organization deploying the TOE is expected to satisfy the organizational security policy listed below in addition to all organizational security policies defined by the claimed Base-PP.

There is a redaction or information release policy in place for the organization which the user follows.

4 Security Objectives

4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE

The TOE will analyze the file content for metadata and elements, to include any that are purposely hidden or not immediately visible to the naked eye. These metadata and elements include, but are not limited to, those that are obstructed from view such as shapes on top of text, hidden objects (manual direct formatting or programmatically hidden), and text that is positioned off the margins or is located in the header and footer sections of the file.
The TOE will react to unexpected input data or behavior by ensuring that it will not produce an output document with insufficient redactions made or with its own additions made.
The TOE will provide the ability to completely remove any data selected for redaction.
The TOE will provide the ability to produce a report of all data that was redacted and any errors that occurred during redaction.
The TOE will provide the ability for a user to review a document to select the data that will be redacted in it.

4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment

The OE of the TOE implements technical and procedural measures to assist the TOE in correctly providing its security functionality (which is defined by the security objectives for the TOE). The security objectives for the OE consist of a set of statements describing the goals that the OE should achieve. This section defines the security objectives that are to be addressed by the IT domain or by non-technical or procedural means. The assumptions identified in Section 3 are incorporated as security objectives for the environment. This PP-Module defines environmental security objectives that extend those defined in the supported Base-PP.
The organization takes steps to ensure that users entrusted to operate the TOE have adequate training in its use and in related document management activities.
The organization develops an information release policy that is clearly communicated to TOE users so that users have sufficient information to apply correct redactions.

4.3 Security Objectives Rationale

This section describes how the assumptions, threats, and organizational security policies map to the security objectives.
Table 1: Security Objectives Rationale
Threat, Assumption, or OSPSecurity ObjectivesRationale
T.CLUES_​TO_​ORIGINAL_​DATAO.INSPECTIONThe TOE mitigates the threat of clues to unredacted data by ensuring that the entire document is searched for redactable information, including hidden data and metadata.
O.REDACTIONThe TOE mitigates the threat of clues to unredacted data by ensuring that the redaction process replaces the visible space of redacted data in a way that leaves no clues as to the original unredacted data.
T.UNREDACTED_​DATAO.PROPER_​OUTPUTThe TOE mitigates the threat of unredacted data by ensuring that unexpected or corrupted inputs do not cause the TOE to fail in a way that would generate an unredacted or improperly redacted output.
O.REDACTIONThe TOE mitigates the threat of unredacted data by implementing a redaction function.
O.REPORTThe TOE mitigates the threat of unredacted data by generating a report that clearly shows to the user what data was redacted.
O.REVIEWThe TOE mitigates the threat of unredacted data by allowing the user to specify the data that will be redacted from a document.
A.KNOWLEDGEABLE_​USEROE.KNOWLEDGEABLE_​USERThe assumption is realized through achievement of an organizational objective that accomplishes the goal of the assumption.
P.INFORMATION_​RELEASE_​POLICYOE.INFORMATION_​RELEASE_​POLICYThe assumption is realized through achievement of an organizational objective that accomplishes the goal of the assumption.

5 Security Requirements

This chapter describes the security requirements which have to be fulfilled by the product under evaluation. Those requirements comprise functional components from Part 2 and assurance components from Part 3 of [CC]. The following conventions are used for the completion of operations:

5.1 App PP Security Functional Requirements Direction

In a PP-Configuration that includes the App PP, there are no App PP requirements that must be claimed in a certain manner for redaction functionality to be correctly implemented. Therefore, all SFR operations may be performed at the ST author's discretion.

5.1.1 Modified SFRs

This PP-Module does not modify any SFRs defined by the App PP.

5.2 TOE Security Functional Requirements

The following section describes the SFRs that must be satisfied by any TOE that claims conformance to this PP-Module. These SFRs must be claimed regardless of which PP-Configuration is used to define the TOE.

5.2.1 Security Audit (FAU)

FAU_ALR_EXT.1 Redaction Failure Notification

The TOE must make the user aware when redaction fails for any reason.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes how the TOE notifies the user when redaction fails. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement that the user is notified when redaction fails for any reason.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall acquire or create test files that should fail the redaction, use the TOE to attempt the redaction process with the expectation of its failure, and verify that the TOE alerts the user that the redaction failed.

FAU_REP_EXT.1 Report Generation

The TOE must be able to generate a report entry that contains metadata about each element that was redacted, including at least the following: the type of the element that was removed, the location if it was a visible element, and whether the element was selected by the user or removed automatically.
Application Note: The report can be a configurable feature that is only generated on user request. Location can be a page number, a cell number for a spreadsheet, or some other indication that allows the user to easily locate the visible element.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the TOE’s reporting feature and the metadata that is included for each report entry.

The evaluator shall ensure that the operational contains instructions for the configuration of the reporting feature in accordance with this requirement.

The evaluator shall create test files with specific elements to redact, apply the TOE to the test files, and observe that there is a report for each element expected to be redacted. This evaluation activity can be done in conjunction with FAU_SAR_EXT.1.

FAU_SAR_EXT.1 Report Review

The TOE must allow the user to access a report of the data that was redacted.
Application Note: This can be satisfied with a dialog box or other simple list of items that were redacted. The report can be a configurable feature that is only generated on user request.
There are no TSS EAs for this component.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create test files with specific elements to redact, apply the TOE to the test files, and observe that there is a report entry for each element expected to be redacted. This evaluation activity can be done in conjunction with FAU_REP_EXT.1.

5.2.2 User Data Protection (FDP)

FDP_DID_EXT.1 Identification of Data

The TOE must identify all hidden data in the document, except remnant data and undo or tracked change buffers, and allow the user to review and select each hidden data element individually for redaction.
Application Note: Remnant data and undo or tracked change buffers are removed automatically according to FDP_RIP_EXT.1. If the file or part of the file is encrypted, the TOE will have to reject the file or decrypt it so that the tool and the user can review the hidden data.
The TOE must identify all obscured data and must [selection: remove the obscured data automatically, allow the user to redact the obscured data ].
Application Note: Obscured data is anything that could be visible but is obscured in some way, such as the cropped portion of an image or graphic. While the user sees only the portion of the graphic in the view container, the document contains the data in the cropped area. The tool must either remove the obscured data automatically or give the user the choice to remove or retain the obscured area.
The TOE must identify images where the visible representation is reduced in size or resolution from the representation stored in the file format and must [selection: automatically replace the stored data with the visible representation, allow the user to replace the stored data with the visible representation, allow the user to leave the image unaltered ].
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS specifies the hidden data that it identifies and allows the user to select the hidden data to be redacted. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement for the TOE to identify all hidden data and allow the user to review and select each hidden data element for redaction.

There are no guidance EAs for this element.

The evaluator shall create test documents with various types of hidden data, use the TOE to search these documents for data elements that should be able to be redacted, and verify that it identifies each expected element and allows the user to select and redact each.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes how the TOE handles all obscured data. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement that all obscured data is identified and either removed automatically or redacted by the user.

There are no guidance EAs for this element.

The evaluator shall create test documents with various forms of obscured data, apply the TOE, and verify that the tool identifies the obscured data and either removes the obscured data automatically or gives the user the choice to remove or retain the obscured data.
There are no TSS EAs for this element.

There are no guidance EAs for this element.

The evaluator shall create a test document with an image that is stored in a larger size and resolution than the visible image and apply the TOE without selecting the image for redaction.

The evaluator shall verify that the TOE either gives the user a choice to retain the image unaltered, replace the stored data with the visible data, or that it resizes the stored image. If the stored data is replaced with visible data or if the stored image is resized, the evaluator shall verify that the image is either replaced or resized as expected in the output file.

FDP_DIN_EXT.1 Deep Inspection

For each element of the file format that can contain its own metadata, other elements, or hidden data, the TOE must [selection: recurse through the element chain and apply the redaction operation to each layer, simplify the element, redact the element ].
Application Note: For example, JPG images can contain metadata called EXIF data. Some image formats can contain the same image in another format, such as raw, which can contain a complete JPG version of the image. A complex object can contain other complex objects (e.g., Microsoft OLE). The tool must apply the requirements to each layer of every element and identify hidden data or metadata, not just at the top layer of the document, but in each element and in all layers within that element. If the TOE cannot recurse through the layers, it must simplify the element at the top level.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS lists and describes the methods used to replace redacted elements that contain metadata, other elements, or hidden data. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement that each element is handled by either recursing through the element chain and applying the TOE to each layer, simplifying the element, or redacting the element.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that contain elements that themselves contain other elements and hidden data. The evaluator shall examine the document to identify these elements in the structure, apply the TOE, and examine the output to verify that the elements were handled properly via either redaction or simplification in accordance with the requirement.

FDP_LOC_EXT.1 Redact Content from Every Location

The TOE must remove redacted content from every location in the file format where it is stored.
There are no TSS EAs for this component.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that contain content in multiple places and examine the files to locate the content. The evaluator shall apply the TOE and examine the output to verify that it has been removed from every location.

FDP_NND_EXT.1 No New Data Introduced by TOE

The TOE itself must not introduce new hidden data that was not requested by the user without warning the user of the addition.
Application Note: If the redaction process changes the format of an object, such as converting a complex object to an image, the conversion must not introduce new metadata.

The TOE can modify or add structural data, including fonts, without alerting the user if the modification is necessary for the proper display or printing of the file.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the actions taken by the TOE when removing, simplifying, or redacting an element. If structural data is added, the TSS shall specify what structural data is added and the purpose of the structural data. If non-structural hidden data is added, the TSS shall detail the added hidden data and describe how the user is notified of the addition. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement to not introduce new hidden data, other than structural data, without warning the user.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files with complex objects or other elements and examine the files to locate those items in the structure. The evaluator shall use the TOE to perform the redaction operation and examine the output to verify that no new hidden data or metadata was introduced.

FDP_OBJ_EXT.1 Removal of Objects and Corresponding References

The TOE must remove all references and indicators in the structural data to objects that are completely redacted by the TOE.
Application Note: In some formats, there are references in the structural data to objects, such as a name dictionary in PDF. If an object in a PDF document, such as an image, is completely redacted (i.e., the user has selected the entire image to be redacted), any references to the image in a name dictionary or structural references to the image must also be removed. If only part of the object is selected for redaction, then the references necessarily remain in the file since the object remains in the file.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS' description of how redacted objects are removed includes the removal of all references and indicators to the redacted objects in conformance with the requirement.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that contain objects and examine the files to locate these objects in the file format and all references to them in the structural data. The evaluator shall apply the TOE and select elements for complete redaction. The evaluator shall examine the output files to verify that the objects and all references to them have been redacted.

FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data

All data that is either selected by the user for redaction or identified by the TOE for redaction must be removed from the document.
Application Note: Selected content must be removed, not obscured by encryption, encoding, conversion to a proprietary format, or any other method.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the removal of all data selected for redaction and shall verify that no encryption, encoding, or proprietary process is used to obscure selected data. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement to remove all data selected by the user or identified by the TOE for redaction.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall acquire or create test files that contain text, images, and other elements. The evaluator shall examine the test files to locate the content in the format. The evaluator shall apply the TOE, marking some of the content for redaction, and examine the output to verify that the marked content was removed and not obscured through encryption, encoding, or conversion to a proprietary format.

FDP_RIP_EXT.1 Residual Information Removal

The TOE must automatically remove all remnant data, undo buffers, tracked changes buffers, multiple versions of the same object, and any buffer or cache type data container.
Application Note: The user does not have to select this data for removal.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS specifies the residual data and objects (e.g., remnant data, undo buffers, tracked changes buffers, multiple versions of the same object, and any buffer or cache type data container) that the TOE will remove from files without any user interaction. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement to automatically remove all such data.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that contain the types of data described in the requirement and examine the files to locate the data. The evaluator shall apply the TOE and not select anything for redaction, and examine the files to verify that any residual data has been removed automatically.

FDP_RPL_EXT.1 Visible Space Replace

The TOE must replace the visible space of redacted content in such a way that the visible space conveys no information about the previous contents.
Application Note: A vendor may use several different methods to replace content, such as opaque blocks, text, whitespace, or some other vendor-defined method. These methods must not convey information about the content being replaced. For example, if text is replaced with text, the replacement text must not indicate length of component words. Blocks of color used to replace parts of images must not show variations in intensity that could convey information about the image content.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS lists and describes the content used to replace redacted elements. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement to convey no information about the previous contents.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire a test file with an image, mark part of the image for redaction, apply the TOE's redaction function to it, and then examine the image in the output to verify that the visual appearance does not provide any indication of the content that was redacted. If the TOE allows text content to be replaced with text, the evaluator shall create or acquire a test file with some text as content, apply the TOE, and verify that the replacement text does not preserve word length or other identifying information that could allow recovery of the original content.

FDP_SEL_EXT.1 Selected Redaction

The TOE must [selection: simplify, remove ] any complex object, embedded object, or graphic image that is selected for redaction.
Application Note: The selection may be of either the whole element or only part of the element. If part of an element is selected, only that part must be simplified or removed.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes in detail which complex objects can be simplified by the TOE and how they are simplified (e.g., whether the object or the whole page is converted to another format and what that format is). The TSS shall also list those complex objects or images that cannot be simplified and will be removed.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test documents that contain complex objects and examine the documents to identify where those objects are in the format. The evaluator shall then apply the TOE and examine the output to verify that the objects have been simplified or removed. The evaluator shall test all objects that can be simplified as well as all objects that should be removed according to the TSS.

The evaluator shall also create or acquire test documents with complex objects that are not documented in the TSS, apply the TOE, and verify that those objects are removed from the document.

FDP_VAL_EXT.1 Validation of Data

The TOE must remove unrecognized data, unexpected data, and extraneous structural data.
Application Note: Structural data is extraneous if it is unnecessary for the printing or display of the document contents or unnecessary for the functionality of the document.

For example, many formats include comments, such as the PDF format which uses a percent sign (%) to precede file format comments.

When these comments are unnecessary, are unrelated to the printing or display of the content of the document, or do not provide any functionality, they must be removed.

For example, some formats expect a header structure starting at the first byte of a file, but a tool may be able to interpret a file where the header starts at a later byte by ignoring the data that precedes the header structure. In this case, the preceding data must be removed since it is unexpected.
The TOE must [selection: simplify, remove ] any element which it cannot completely interpret.
Application Note: For example, if the tool cannot recurse through a stream with embedded OLE objects, it must convert the stream to a single layer image with no metadata or remove it. If the redaction tool cannot interpret or process temporal objects, it must remove the temporal object and replace it with a simplified object or other placeholder. If a stream of data is compressed, encoded, or encrypted and the redaction tool cannot decompress, decode, or decrypt the data, the tool must delete the stream.
There are no TSS EAs for this element.

There are no guidance EAs for this element.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that contain unrecognized data, unexpected data, and extraneous structural data. The evaluator shall examine the files prior to redaction to identify the data. The evaluator shall input these files to the TOE, make no visible redactions to them, and then save them as output files. The evaluator shall examine the output files and compare them to the originals to verify that the data has been removed.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes how the TOE handles data that it cannot completely interpret.

There are no guidance EAs for this element.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files with data that the TOE should not be able to completely interpret, input these files to the TOE for redaction, and examine the output to verify that the TOE handled the data according to the requirement.

5.2.3 Security Management (FMT)

FMT_RVW_EXT.1 Element Review

The TSF shall identify the visible data elements that the user can select in whole or in part for redaction.
Application Note: If the file or part of the file is encrypted, the TOE will have to reject the file or decrypt it so that the user can review the data.
There are no TSS EAs for this component.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create test documents that contain images, text, and complex objects, use the TOE to perform the redaction operation, and verify that each element is selectable for redaction in whole or in part.

5.2.4 Protection of the TSF (FPT)

FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State

The TSF shall preserve a secure state when the following types of failures occur: [assignment: list of types of failures in the TSF].
Application Note: If the redaction functionality fails for any reason, the TOE must not produce a partially redacted file.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the actions the TOE performs upon any failure. The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS’ description complies with the requirement to not produce a partially redacted file.

There are no guidance EAs for this component.

The evaluator shall create or acquire test files that cause the TOE to fail and observe that the TOE fails and does not produce partially redacted files.

5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale

The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE, showing that the SFRs are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives:
Table 2: SFR Rationale
ObjectiveAddressed byRationale
FDP_DID_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to implement a mechanism to inspect a document for common mechanisms used to hide unredacted data.
FDP_DIN_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by defining a deep inspection mechanism by which the TOE can examine hidden data or metadata to find unredacted data.
FDP_NND_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by prohibiting the TOE from introducing new data to a file without the user's instruction.
FDP_VAL_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to implement a mechanism that allows it to handle unrecognizable data.
FPT_FLS.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to maintain a secure state (i.e., do not produce unvalidated and potentially unredacted output) if it encounters a failure or some other unexpected event.
FDP_LOC_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to remove redacted content from every location in the source file.
FDP_OBJ_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to remove references to redacted data in the source file.
FDP_REM_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to redact all data that has been selected for redaction.
FDP_RIP_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to purge all residual data so that unredacted data cannot be extracted from memory.
FDP_RPL_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to replace the visible space of redacted documents in a manner that does not provide clues to the original unredacted data.
FDP_SEL_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by defining how the TOE handles complex objects that are selected for redaction, whether by simplification or removal.
FAU_ALR_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE to notify the user of unsuccessful redaction operations.
FAU_REP_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by identifying the contents of any report that the TOE generates about its redaction behavior.
FAU_SAR_EXT.1This requirement supports the objective by requiring the TOE allow the user to access reports on redacted data.
FMT_RVW_EXT.1This SFR supports the objective by defining the requirement to review and select data to be redacted.

6 Consistency Rationale

6.1 Protection Profile for Redaction Tools

6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type

If this PP-Module is used to extend the App PP, the TOE type for the overall TOE is still a software application. The TOE boundary is simply extended to include the redaction tool functionality that is built into the application so that additional security functionality is claimed within the scope of the TOE.

The only asset for the TOE is the software executable and sensitive data that comprises the TOE. The entire TOE as defined by the combination of the Base-PP and this PP-Module is a single asset. The only differences to the threat model are that the PP-Module introduces threats related specifically to the failure of the TOE to fully redact data, which is a use case specific to redaction tools.

6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition

Listed below are the threats, objectives, and OSPs defined in this PP-Module with rationale for their consistency with the App PP. The PP-Module shares the executable application asset with the App PP but defines additional threats because the PP-Module defines a specific type of software application with potential exploits that are common to the application type.
PP-Module Threat, Assumption, OSPConsistency Rationale
T.CLUES_TO_ORIGINAL_DATAThis threat is consistent with the Base-PP because it relates to functionality that is exclusive to the PP-Module.
T.UNREDACTED_DATAThis threat is consistent with the Base-PP because it relates to functionality that is exclusive to the PP-Module.
A.KNOWLEDGEABLE_USERThis assumption is an extension of the A.PROPER_USER and A.PROPER_ADMIN assumptions in the Base-PP but extends them to apply specifically to the operation of redaction tools.
P.INFORMATION_RELEASE_POLICYThe Base-PP does not define any organizational security policies so there are no existing policies that this could contradict.

6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives

Listed below are the security objectives defined in this PP-Module with rationale for their consistency with the App PP. The PP-Module shares the executable application asset with the App PP but defines additional security objectives because the PP-Module defines a specific type of software application with security functionality that is common to the application type. The objectives for the TOEs are consistent with the App PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module TOE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
O.INSPECTIONThis objective relates solely to redaction behavior, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP objectives from being satisfied.
O.PROPER_OUTPUTThis objective relates solely to redaction behavior, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP objectives from being satisfied.
O.REDACTIONThis objective relates solely to redaction behavior, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP objectives from being satisfied.
O.REPORTThis objective relates solely to redaction behavior, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP objectives from being satisfied.
O.REVIEWThis objective relates solely to redaction behavior, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP objectives from being satisfied.

The objectives for the TOE's OE are consistent with the App PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module OE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
OE.KNOWLEDGEABLE_USERThis objective is an extension of the OE.PROPER_USER and OE.PROPER_ADMIN objectives in the Base-PP but extends them to apply specifically to the operation of redaction tools.
OE.INFORMATION_RELEASE_POLICYThis objective does not contradict the Base-PP because it describes the implementation of an organizational security policy.

6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements

This PP-Module identifies several SFRs from the App PP that are needed to support Redaction Tool functionality. This is considered to be consistent because the functionality provided by the App PP is being used for its intended purpose. The rationale for why this does not conflict with the claims defined by the App PP are as follows:
PP-Module RequirementConsistency Rationale
Modified SFRs
This PP-Module does not modify any requirements when the App PP is the base.
Additional SFRs
This PP-Module does not add any requirements when the App PP is the base.
Mandatory SFRs
FAU_ALR_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FAU_REP_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FAU_SAR_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_DID_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_DIN_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_LOC_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_NND_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_OBJ_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_REM_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_RIP_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_RPL_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_SEL_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FDP_VAL_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FMT_RVW_EXT.1This requirement relates to redaction functionality, which is beyond the scope of the Base-PP and does not prevent any Base-PP requirements from being implemented.
FPT_FLS.1This requirement relates to the preservation of a secure state in the event of a TSF failure. This is not defined in the Base-PP but the Base-PP has no requirements that prohibit it.
Optional SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Optional requirements.
Objective SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Objective requirements.
Implementation-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Implementation-based requirements.
Selection-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Selection-based requirements.

Appendix A - Optional SFRs

A.1 Strictly Optional Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Strictly Optional SFRs.

A.2 Objective Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Objective SFRs.

A.3 Implementation-based Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Implementation-based SFRs.

Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Selection-based SFRs.

Appendix C - Extended Component Definitions

This appendix contains the definitions for all extended requirements specified in the PP-Module.

C.1 Extended Components Table

All extended components specified in the PP-Module are listed in this table:
Table 3: Extended Component Definitions
Functional ClassFunctional Components
Security Audit (FAU)FAU_ALR_EXT Redaction Failure Notification
FAU_REP_EXT Report Generation
FAU_SAR_EXT Report Review
Security Management (FMT)FMT_RVW_EXT Element Review
User Data Protection (FDP)FDP_DID_EXT Identification of Data
FDP_DIN_EXT Deep Inspection
FDP_LOC_EXT Redact Content from Every Location
FDP_NND_EXT No New Data Introduced by TOE
FDP_OBJ_EXT Removal of Objects and Corresponding References
FDP_REM_EXT Removal of Redacted Data
FDP_RIP_EXT Residual Information Removal
FDP_RPL_EXT Visible Space Replace
FDP_SEL_EXT Selected Redaction
FDP_VAL_EXT Validation of Data

C.2 Extended Component Definitions

C.2.1 Security Audit (FAU)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FAU class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.1.1 FAU_ALR_EXT Redaction Failure Notification

Family Behavior

Components in this family describe requirements for user notification in response to a specific kind of TSF failure.

Component Leveling


FAU_ALR_EXT.1, Redaction Failure Notification, requires the TSF to generate a notification in the event of a failed redaction operation.

Management: FAU_ALR_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FAU_ALR_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FAU_ALR_EXT.1 Redaction Failure Notification

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data

FPT_FLS.1 Failure with Preservation of Secure State


The TOE must make the user aware when redaction fails for any reason.

C.2.1.2 FAU_REP_EXT Report Generation

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the generation of report data in response to a specific TSF action being performed.

Component Leveling


FAU_REP_EXT.1, Report Generation, requires the TSF to generate a report following the completion of a redaction operation that identifies the elements that were redacted along with metadata about each redaction.

Management: FAU_REP_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FAU_REP_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FAU_REP_EXT.1 Report Generation

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must be able to generate a report entry that contains metadata about each element that was redacted, including at least the following: the type of the element that was removed, the location if it was a visible element, and whether the element was selected by the user or removed automatically.

C.2.1.3 FAU_SAR_EXT Report Review

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for user review of a specific type of TSF data.

Component Leveling


FAU_SAR_EXT.1, Report Review, requires the TSF to have its generated report data be user-reviewable.

Management: FAU_SAR_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • View contents of generated report

Audit: FAU_SAR_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FAU_SAR_EXT.1 Report Review

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FAU_REP_EXT.1 Report Generation


The TOE must allow the user to access a report of the data that was redacted.

C.2.2 Security Management (FMT)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FMT class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.2.1 FMT_RVW_EXT Element Review

Family Behavior

Components in this family define functionality for selecting data elements that can be redacted from a document.

Component Leveling


FMT_RVW_EXT.1, Element Review, requires the TSF to present a user interface that can be used to select data elements for redaction.

Management: FMT_RVW_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Selection of data elements to be redacted

Audit: FMT_RVW_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FMT_RVW_EXT.1 Element Review

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:No dependencies.


The TSF shall identify the visible data elements that the user can select in whole or in part for redaction.

C.2.3 User Data Protection (FDP)

This PP-Module defines the following extended components as part of the FDP class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.3.1 FDP_DID_EXT Identification of Data

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the identification of data within a document that can be considered for redaction.

Component Leveling


FDP_DID_EXT.1, Identification of Data, requires the TSF to identify all hidden or obscured data in a document so that this data can be selectable for redaction.

Management: FDP_DID_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Specify how the redaction operation is applied to small or low-resolution image data

Audit: FDP_DID_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_DID_EXT.1 Identification of Data

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FMT_RVW_EXT.1 Element Review


The TOE must identify all hidden data in the document, except remnant data and undo or tracked change buffers, and allow the user to review and select each hidden data element individually for redaction.


The TOE must identify all obscured data and must [selection: remove the obscured data automatically, allow the user to redact the obscured data ].


The TOE must identify images where the visible representation is reduced in size or resolution from the representation stored in the file format and must [selection: automatically replace the stored data with the visible representation, allow the user to replace the stored data with the visible representation, allow the user to leave the image unaltered ].

C.2.3.2 FDP_DIN_EXT Deep Inspection

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for inspecting document metadata for potential redaction.

Component Leveling


FDP_DIN_EXT.1, Deep Inspection, requires the TSF to handle redaction of file metadata in a specified manner.

Management: FDP_DIN_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_DIN_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_DIN_EXT.1 Deep Inspection

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


For each element of the file format that can contain its own metadata, other elements, or hidden data, the TOE must [selection: recurse through the element chain and apply the redaction operation to each layer, simplify the element, redact the element ].

C.2.3.3 FDP_LOC_EXT Redact Content from Every Location

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the thoroughness of a data redaction process.

Component Leveling


FDP_LOC_EXT.1, Redact Content from Every Location, requires the TSF to have the ability to redact data from all possible locations in an input file.

Management: FDP_LOC_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_LOC_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_LOC_EXT.1 Redact Content from Every Location

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must remove redacted content from every location in the file format where it is stored.

C.2.3.4 FDP_NND_EXT No New Data Introduced by TOE

Family Behavior

Components in this family apply restrictions on data that the TOE can add to a file as part of the redaction process.

Component Leveling


FDP_NND_EXT.1, No New Data Introduced by TOE, requires the TSF to avoid the introduction of its own data to an input file unless explicitly requested by a user.

Management: FDP_NND_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Specification or approval of introduced hidden data

Audit: FDP_NND_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_NND_EXT.1 No New Data Introduced by TOE

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE itself must not introduce new hidden data that was not requested by the user without warning the user of the addition.

C.2.3.5 FDP_OBJ_EXT Removal of Objects and Corresponding References

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the removal of object references as part of a data redaction process.

Component Leveling


FDP_OBJ_EXT.1, Removal of Objects and Corresponding References, requires the TSF to remove references to redacted objects so as not to disclose information about the data that was redacted.

Management: FDP_OBJ_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_OBJ_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_OBJ_EXT.1 Removal of Objects and Corresponding References

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must remove all references and indicators in the structural data to objects that are completely redacted by the TOE.

C.2.3.6 FDP_REM_EXT Removal of Redacted Data

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the application of a redaction operation to selected data.

Component Leveling


FDP_REM_EXT.1, Removal of Redacted Data, requires the TSF to redact all selected data.

Management: FDP_REM_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_REM_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FMT_RVW_EXT.1 Element Review


All data that is either selected by the user for redaction or identified by the TOE for redaction must be removed from the document.

C.2.3.7 FDP_RIP_EXT Residual Information Removal

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the purging of residual data that could compromise the effectiveness of a redaction operation.

Component Leveling


FDP_RIP_EXT.1, Residual Information Removal, requires the TSF to delete all residual file data that could contain unredacted information.

Management: FDP_RIP_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_RIP_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_RIP_EXT.1 Residual Information Removal

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must automatically remove all remnant data, undo buffers, tracked changes buffers, multiple versions of the same object, and any buffer or cache type data container.

C.2.3.8 FDP_RPL_EXT Visible Space Replace

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the visual presentation of redacted data.

Component Leveling


FDP_RPL_EXT.1, Visible Space Replace, requires the TSF to replace redacted data with visual data that does not give clues as to the contents of the original data.

Management: FDP_RPL_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_RPL_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_RPL_EXT.1 Visible Space Replace

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must replace the visible space of redacted content in such a way that the visible space conveys no information about the previous contents.

C.2.3.9 FDP_SEL_EXT Selected Redaction

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for the selection of redacted data.

Component Leveling


FDP_SEL_EXT.1, Selected Redaction, requires the TSF to redact data from complex objects in a specified manner.

Management: FDP_SEL_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_SEL_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_SEL_EXT.1 Selected Redaction

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must [selection: simplify, remove ] any complex object, embedded object, or graphic image that is selected for redaction.

C.2.3.10 FDP_VAL_EXT Validation of Data

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for validating data as part of its consideration for redaction.

Component Leveling


FDP_VAL_EXT.1, Validation of Data, requires the TOE to remove unexpected or other file data that cannot be validated.

Management: FDP_VAL_EXT.1

There are no management activities foreseen.

Audit: FDP_VAL_EXT.1

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FDP_VAL_EXT.1 Validation of Data

Hierarchical to:No other components.
Dependencies to:FDP_REM_EXT.1 Removal of Redacted Data


The TOE must remove unrecognized data, unexpected data, and extraneous structural data.


The TOE must [selection: simplify, remove ] any element which it cannot completely interpret.

Appendix D - Acronyms

Base-PPBase Protection Profile
CCCommon Criteria
CEMCommon Evaluation Methodology
cPPCollaborative Protection Profile
EPExtended Package
EXIFExchangeable Image File Format
FPFunctional Package
ISO/IECInternational Standards Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission
JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group
OEOperational Environment
OLEObject Linking and Embedding
PPProtection Profile
PP-ConfigurationProtection Profile Configuration
PP-ModuleProtection Profile Module
SARSecurity Assurance Requirement
SFRSecurity Functional Requirement
STSecurity Target
TIFFTagged Image File Format
TOETarget of Evaluation
TSFTOE Security Functionality
TSFITSF Interface
TSSTOE Summary Specification

Appendix E - Bibliography

[App PP] Protection Profile for Application Software, Version 2.0, TBD
[CC]Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation -
[CEM] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security - Evaluation Methodology, CCMB-2022-11-006, CEM:2022, Revision 1, November 2022.