PP-Module for MDM Agents

Version: 1.0
National Information Assurance Partnership

Revision History

1.02013-10-21Initial Release
1.12014-02-07Typographical changes and clarifications to front-matter
2.02014-12-31Separation of MDM Agent SFRs. Updated cryptography, protocol, X.509 requirements. Added objective requirement for Agent audit storage. New requirement for unenrollment prevention. Initial Release of MDM Agent EP.
3.02016-11-21 Updates to align with Technical Decisions. Added requirements to support BYOD use case.
4.02019-03-01 Convert to PP-Module.


1Introduction1.1Overview1.2Terms1.2.1Common Criteria Terms1.2.2Technical Terms1.3Compliant Targets of Evaluation1.3.1TOE Boundary1.4Use Cases2Conformance Claims3Security Problem Description3.1Threats3.2Assumptions3.3Organizational Security Policies4Security Objectives4.1Security Objectives for the TOE4.2Security Objectives for the Operational Environment4.3Security Objectives Rationale5Security Requirements5.1MDM Agents PP Security Functional Requirements Direction 5.1.1 Modified SFRs 5.1.2 Additional SFRs5.1.2.1Cryptographic Support (FCS) Path/Channels (FTP)5.2MDM PP Security Functional Requirements Direction 5.2.1 Modified SFRs 5.2.2 Additional SFRs5.2.2.1Cryptographic Support (FCS)5.3TOE Security Functional Requirements5.3.1Security Audit (FAU)5.3.2Identification and Authentication (FIA)5.3.3Security Management (FMT)5.4TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale5.5TOE Security Assurance Requirements6Consistency Rationale6.1 Protection Profile for MDM Agents6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type 6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition 6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives 6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements 6.2 Protection Profile for Mobile Device Management6.2.1 Consistency of TOE Type 6.2.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition 6.2.3 Consistency of Objectives 6.2.4 Consistency of Requirements Appendix A - Optional SFRsA.1Strictly Optional Requirements A.2Objective Requirements A.2.1Security Audit (FAU)A.2.2Protection of the TSF (FPT)A.3Implementation-dependent Requirements Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements Appendix C - Extended Component DefinitionsC.1Extended Components TableC.2Extended Component DefinitionsC.2.1Cryptographic Support (FCS)C.2.1.1FCS_STG_EXT Trusted ChannelC.2.2Identification and Authentication (FIA)C.2.2.1FIA_ENR_EXT EnrollmentC.2.3Protection of the TSF (FPT)C.2.3.1FPT_NET_EXT Network ReachabilityC.2.4Security Audit (FAU)C.2.4.1FAU_ALT_EXT MDM AlertsC.2.4.2FAU_STG_EXT Protected Audit Event StorageC.2.5Security Management (FMT)C.2.5.1FMT_POL_EXT Trusted Policy UpdateC.2.5.2FMT_SMF_EXT Specification of Management Functions (Agent)C.2.5.3FMT_UNR_EXT UnenrollmentAppendix D - Use Case TemplatesD.1Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose enterprise useD.2Enterprise-owned device for specialized, high-security useD.3Personally owned device for personal and enterprise useD.4Personally owned device for personal and limited enterprise useAppendix E - AcronymsAppendix F - Bibliography

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The scope of the MDM Agent PP-Module is to describe the security functionality of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) Agent in terms of [CC] and to define functional and assurance requirements for such products. This PP-Module is intended for use with the following Base-PPs:
These Base-PPs are valid because a MDM Agent is either a 3rd party application manufactured by the MDM Server vendor or is a native application deployed on a mobile device.

1.3 Compliant Targets of Evaluation

The MDM system consists of two primary components: the MDM Server software and the MDM Agent. This PP-Module specifically addresses the MDM Agent. The MDM Agent establishes a secure connection back to the MDM Server, from which it receives policies to enforce on the mobile device. Optionally, the MDM Agent interacts with the Mobile Application Store (MAS) Server to download and install enterprise-hosted applications.

A compliant MDM Agent is installed on a mobile device as an application (supplied by the developer of the MDM Server software) or is part of the mobile device's OS.This PP-Module builds on either the MDF PP or the MDM PP. A TOE that claims conformance to this PP-Module must also claim conformance to one of those PPs as its Base-PP. A compliant TOE is obligated to implement the functionality required in the Base-PP along with the additional functionality defined in this PP-Module in order to mitigate the threats that are defined by this PP-Module.

This PP-Module shall build on the MDF PP if the TOE is a native part of a mobile operating system. The TOE for this PP-Module combined with the MDF PP is the mobile device itself plus the MDM Agent. If the MDM Agent is part of the mobile device’s OS, the MDM Agent may present multiple interfaces for configuring the mobile device, such as a local interface and a remote interface. Agents conforming to this PP-Module must at least offer an interface with a trusted channel that serves as one piece of an MDM system. Conformant MDM Agents may also offer other interfaces, and the configuration aspects of these additional interfaces are in scope of this .

This PP-Module shall build on the MDM Server PP if the TOE is a third-party application that is provided with an MDM Server and installed on a mobile device by the user after acquiring the mobile device. The distributed TOE for this PP-Module combined with the MDM Server PP is the entire MDM environment, which includes both the MDM Server and the MDM Agent. Even though the mobile device itself is not part of the TOE, it is expected to be evaluated against the MDF PP so that its baseline security capabilities can be assumed to be present.

1.3.1 TOE Boundary

Figure 1 shows a high-level example of the PP-Module TOE boundary and its Operational Environment. As stated above, the MDM Agent may either be provided as part of the mobile device itself (shown in red) or distributed as a third-party application from the developer of the MDM Server software (shown in blue).

Figure 1: MDM Agent Operating Environment

The MDM Agent must closely interact with or be part of the mobile device’s platform in order to establish policies and to perform queries about device status. The mobile device, in turn, has its own security requirements specified in the MDF PP.

1.4 Use Cases

This PP-Module defines 4 use cases:

[USE CASE 1] Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose enterprise use
An Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose business use is commonly called Corporately Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE). This use case entails a significant degree of Enterprise control over configuration and software inventory. Enterprise administrators use an MDM product to establish policies on the mobile devices prior to user issuance. Users may use Internet connectivity to browse the web or access corporate mail or run Enterprise applications, but this connectivity may be under significant control of the Enterprise. The user may also be expected to store data and use applications for personal, non-enterprise use. The Enterprise administrator uses the MDM product to deploy security policies and query mobile device status. The MDM may issue commands for remediation actions.
[USE CASE 2] Enterprise-owned device for specialized, high-security use
An Enterprise-owned device with intentionally limited network connectivity, tightly controlled configuration, and limited software inventory is appropriate for specialized, high-security use cases. As in the previous use case, the MDM product is used to establish such policies on mobile devices prior to issuance to users. The device may not be permitted connectivity to any external peripherals. It may only be able to communicate via its Wi-Fi or cellular radios with the Enterprise-run network, which may not even permit connectivity to the Internet. Use of the device may require compliance with usage policies that are more restrictive than those in any general-purpose use case, yet may mitigate risks to highly sensitive information. Based upon the operation environment and the acceptable risk level of the enterprise, those security functional requirements outlined in Section 5 Security Requirements of this Protection Profile along with the selections in the Use Case 2 template defined in [USE CASE 1] Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose enterprise use are sufficient for the high-security use case.

For changes to included SFRs, selections, and assignments required for this use case, see D.2 Enterprise-owned device for specialized, high-security use.

[USE CASE 3] Personally owned device for personal and enterprise use
A personally owned device, which is used, for both personal activities and enterprise data is commonly called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The device may be provisioned for access to enterprise resources after significant personal usage has occurred. Unlike in the enterprise-owned cases, the enterprise is limited in what security policies it can enforce because the user purchased the device primarily for personal use and is unlikely to accept policies that limit the functionality of the device.

However, because the Enterprise allows the user full (or nearly full) access to the Enterprise network, the Enterprise will require certain security policies, for example a password or screen lock policy, and health reporting, such as the integrity of the mobile device system software, before allowing access. The administrator of the MDM can establish remediation actions, such as wipe of the Enterprise data, for non-compliant devices. These controls could potentially be enforced by a separation mechanism built-in to the device itself to distinguish between enterprise and personal activities, or by a third-party application that provides access to enterprise resources and leverages security capabilities provided by the mobile device. Based upon the Operational Environment and the acceptable risk level of the enterprise, those security functional requirements outlined in Section 5 Security Requirements of this Protection Profile along with the selections in the Use Case 3 template defined in Appendix D - Use Case Templates are sufficient for the secure implementation of this BYOD use case.

For changes to included SFRs, selections, and assignments required for this use case, see D.3 Personally owned device for personal and enterprise use.

[USE CASE 4] Personally owned device for personal and limited enterprise use
A personally owned device may also be given access to limited enterprise services such as enterprise email. Because the user does not have full access to the enterprise or enterprise data, the enterprise may not need to enforce any security policies on the device. However, the enterprise may want secure email and web browsing with assurance that the services being provided to those clients by the mobile device are not compromised. Based upon the Operational Environment and the acceptable risk level of the enterprise, those security functional requirements outlined in Section 5 Security Requirements of this PP are sufficient for the secure implementation of this BYOD use case.

2 Conformance Claims

Conformance Statement

This PP-Module inherits exact conformance as required from the specified Base-PP and as defined in the CC and CEM addenda for Exact Conformance, Selection-based SFRs, and Optional SFRs (dated May 2017).

The following PPs and PP-Modules are allowed to be specified in a PP-Configuration with this PP-Module.

CC Conformance Claims
This Module is conformant to Parts 2 (extended) and 3 (conformant) of Common Criteria Version 3.1, Revision 5.
PP Claim
This Module does not claim conformance to any Protection Profile.
Package Claim
This Module does not claim conformance to any packages.

3 Security Problem Description

3.1 Threats

The following threats are specific to MDM" /> Agents, and represents an addition to those identified in the Base-PPs.
An attacker may try to target backups of data or credentials and exfiltrate data. Since the backup is stored on either a personal computer or end user’s backup repository, it’s not likely the enterprise would detect compromise.

3.2 Assumptions

These assumptions are made on the Operational Environment (OE) in order to be able to ensure that the security functionality specified in the PP-Module can be provided by the TOE. If the TOE is placed in an OE that does not meet these assumptions, the TOE may no longer be able to provide all of its security functionality.
The TOE relies on network connectivity to carry out its management activities. The TOE will robustly handle instances when connectivity is unavailable or unreliable.
The MDM Agent relies upon mobile platform and hardware evaluated against the MDF PP and assured to provide policy enforcement as well as cryptographic services and data protection. The mobile platform provides trusted updates and software integrity verification of the MDM Agent.
One or more competent, trusted personnel who are not careless, willfully negligent, or hostile, are assigned and authorized as the TOE Administrators, and do so using and abiding by guidance documentation.
Mobile device users are not willfully negligent or hostile, and use the device within compliance of a reasonable Enterprise security policy.

3.3 Organizational Security Policies

An organization deploying the TOE is expected to satisfy the organizational security policy listed below in addition to all organizational security policies defined by the claimed Base-PP.

Personnel operating the TOE shall be accountable for their actions within the TOE.
The configuration of the mobile device security functions must adhere to the Enterprise security policy.
A mobile device must be enrolled for a specific user by the administrator of the MDM prior to being used in the Enterprise network by the user.
The mobile user must immediately notify the administrator if a mobile device is lost or stolen so that the administrator may apply remediation actions via the MDM system.

4 Security Objectives

4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE

The TOE must provide logging facilities, which record management actions undertaken by its administrators.
The TOE must facilitate configuration and enforcement of enterprise security policies on mobile devices via interaction with the mobile OS and the MDM Server. This will include the initial enrollment of the device into management, through its entire lifecycle, including policy updates and its possible unenrollment from management services.
Data exchanged between the MDM Server and the MDM Agent must be protected from being monitored, accessed, or altered.
To address the issue of loss of confidentiality of user data in the event of loss of a mobile device (T.PHYSICAL), conformant TOEs will use platform provide key storage. The TOE is expected to protect its persistent secrets and private keys.

4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment

The OE of the TOE implements technical and procedural measures to assist the TOE in correctly providing its security functionality (which is defined by the security objectives for the TOE). The security objectives for the OE consist of a set of statements describing the goals that the OE should achieve. This section defines the security objectives that are to be addressed by the IT domain or by non-technical or procedural means. The assumptions identified in Section 3 are incorporated as security objectives for the environment.
TOE Administrators are trusted to follow and apply all administrator guidance in a trusted manner.
Users of the mobile device are trained to securely use the mobile device and apply all guidance in a trusted manner.
The Enterprise IT infrastructure provides security for a network that is available to the TOE and mobile devices that prevents unauthorized access.
The MDM Agent relies upon the trustworthy mobile platform and hardware to provide policy enforcement as well as cryptographic services and data protection. The mobile platform provides trusted updates and software integrity verification of the MDM Agent.
A wireless network will be available to the mobile devices.

4.3 Security Objectives Rationale

This section describes how the assumptions, threats, and organizational security policies map to the security objectives.
Table 1: Security Objectives Rationale
Threat, Assumption, or OSPSecurity ObjectivesRationale
T.MALICIOUS_​APPSO.DATA_​PROTECTION_​TRANSITThe threat T.MALICIOUS_APPS is countered by O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT as this provides the capability to protect app loading/updates against malicious insertion from the network.
O.APPLY_​POLICYThe threat T.MALICIOUS_APPS is countered by O.APPLY_POLICY as this provides policy preventing loading of unapproved apps into the TOE.
T.BACKUPO.DATA_​PROTECTION_​TRANSITThe threat T.BACKUP is countered by O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT as this provides the capability to communicate using one (or more) standard protocols as a means to maintain the confidentiality of data that are transmitted between the Agent and other entities.
O.APPLY_​POLICYThe threat T.BACKUP is countered by O.APPLY_POLICY as this provides policy to enforce that backups be stored only in secure, protected locations.
T.NETWORK_​ATTACKO.DATA_​PROTECTION_​TRANSITThe threat T.NETWORK_ATTACK is countered by O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT as this provides the capability to communicate using one (or more) standard protocols as a means to maintain the confidentiality of data that are transmitted between the Agent and other entities.
O.APPLY_​POLICYThe threat T.NETWORK_ATTACK is countered by O.APPLY_POLICY as this provides a secure configuration of the Agent to protect data that it processes.
OE.IT_​ENTERPRISEThe threat T.NETWORK_ATTACK is countered by OE.IT_ENTERPRISE by reducing the network exposure of the mobile device.
T.NETWORK_​EAVESDROPO.DATA_​PROTECTION_​TRANSITThe threat T.NETWORK_EAVESDROP is countered by O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT as this provides the capability to communicate using one (or more) standard protocols as a means to maintain the confidentiality of data that are transmitted between the Agent and other entities.
O.APPLY_​POLICYThe threat T.NETWORK_EAVESDROP is countered by O.APPLY_POLICY as this provides a secure configuration of the Agent to protect data that it processes.
OE.IT_​ENTERPRISE The threat T.NETWORK_EAVESDROP is countered by OE.IT_ENTERPRISE by reducing the network exposure of the mobile device.
T.PHYSICAL_​ACCESSO.ACCOUNTABILITYThe threat T.PHYSICAL_ACCESS is countered by O.ACCOUNTABILITY as this provides the capability to log attempts by unauthorized personnel to access data, and to log any access to the data or the device, as well as changes to the device during the time when it is not under the control of an authorized user.
O.APPLY_​POLICYThe threat T.PHYSICAL_ACCESS is countered by O.APPLY_POLICY as this provides a secure configuration of the Agent to protect data that it processes.
O.STORAGEThe threat T.PHYSICAL_ACCESS is countered by O.STORAGE as this provides the capability to encrypt all user and enterprise data and authentication keys to ensure the confidentiality of data that it stores.
A.CONNECTIVITYOE.WIRELESS_​NETWORKThe Operational Environment objective OE.WIRELESS_NETWORK is realized through A.CONNECTIVITY.
A.PROPER_​ADMINOE.DATA_​PROPER_​ADMINThe Operational Environment objective OE.DATA_PROPER_ADMIN is realized through A.PROPER_ADMIN.
A.PROPER_​USEROE.DATA_​PROPER_​USERThe Operational Environment objective OE.DATA_PROPER_USER is realized through A.PROPER_USER.
P.ACCOUNTABILITYO.ACCOUNTABILITYO.ACCOUNTABILITY provides logging of personnel actions in order to provide accountability of all personnel actions within the TOE.
P.ADMINO.APPLY_​POLICYThe TOE adheres to the Enterprise security policy through the application of O.APPLY_POLICY.
P.DEVICE_​ENROLLO.APPLY_​POLICYThe TOE enrolls mobile devices for specific users with policy through the application of O.APPLY_POLICY.
P.NOTIFYO.APPLY_​POLICYThe TOE provides the capability for the administrator to apply remediation actions via the MDM system through policy, which is applied through O.APPLY_POLICY.

5 Security Requirements

This chapter describes the security requirements which have to be fulfilled by the product under evaluation. Those requirements comprise functional components from Part 2 and assurance components from Part 3 of [CC]. The following conventions are used for the completion of operations:

5.1 MDM Agents PP Security Functional Requirements Direction

In a PP-Configuration that includes the MDM Agents PP, the TOE is expected to rely on some of the security functions implemented by the MDM Agent as a whole and evaluated against the MDM Agents PP. The following sections describe any modifications that the ST author must make to the SFRs defined in the MDM Agents PP in addition to what is mandated by Section 5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements.

5.1.1 Modified SFRs

This PP-Module does not modify any SFRs defined by the MDM Agents PP.

5.1.2 Additional SFRs

This section defines additional SFRs that must be added to the TOE boundary in order to implement the functionality in any PP-Configuration where the MDM Agents PP is claimed as the Base-PP. Cryptographic Support (FCS)

FCS_STG_EXT.4 Cryptographic Key Storage

The MDM Agent shall use the platform provided key storage for all persistent secret and private keys.
Application Note: This requirement ensures that persistent secrets (credentials, secret keys) and private keys are stored securely when not in use by the mobile platform.
The evaluator will verify that the TSS lists each persistent secret (credential, secret key) and private key needed to meet the requirements in the ST. For each of these items, the evaluator will confirm that the TSS lists for what purpose it is used, and, for each platform listed as supported in the ST, how it is stored. The evaluator shall verify that the Agent calls a platform-provided API to store persistent secrets and private keys. Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)

FTP_ITC_EXT.1/TRUSTCHAN Trusted Channel Communication

Refinement: The TSF shall use [selection:
  • mutually authenticated TLS client as defined in the Package for Transport Layer Security
  • mutually authenticated DTLS client as defined in the Package for Transport Layer Security
] to provide a communication channel between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication channels, provides assured identification of its end points, protects channel data from disclosure, and detects modification of the channel data.
Application Note: The intent of this requirement is to protect the communications channel between MDM Server and Agent, post enrollment. is to protect the communications channel between MDM Server and Agent during enrollment.

This requirement is to ensure that the transmission of any audit logs, mobile device information data (software version, hardware model, and application versions), and configuration data collected by the MDM Agent and sent from the MDM Agent to the MDM Server, when commanded, or at configurable intervals, is properly protected. This trusted channel also protects any commands and policies sent by the MDM Server to the MDM Agent. Either the MDM Agent or the MDM Server is able to initiate the connection.

This requirement is iterated from the MDF PP to indicate the protocols that the MDM Agent can use for a trusted channel. The mobile device is required to perform the mandated cryptographic protocols as in the Base-PP for communication channels mandated in the MDF PP. The ST author must select one of TLS, DTLS, or HTTPS in order to establish and maintain a trusted channel between the MDM Agent and the MDM Server. Only TLS, DTLS, or HTTPS are acceptable for this trusted channel.

Since this requirement is only for the case when the PP-Module builds on MDF PP and in this case it is expected that the MDM Agent will be a native part of the mobile operating system, it is expected that the MDM Agent will utilize the mobile device's implementation of the selected protocols. HTTPS (FCS_HTTPS_EXT.1) and TLS (FCS_TLSC_EXT.1) are already mandatory for a MDF ST. If "TLS" or "DTLS" is selected the following selections from the TLS Functional Package must be made:
  • FCS_TLS_EXT.1:
    • either TLS or DTLS is selected depending on the selection made in FTP_ITC_EXT.1.1
    • client must be selected
  • FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.1:
    • The cipher suites selected must correspond with the algorithms and hash functions allowed in FCS_COP.1 from the MDF PP.
    • mutual authentication must be selected
Protocol, RBG, Certificate validation, algorithm, and similar services may be met with platform provided services.

Refinement: The TSF shall permit the TSF and the MDM Server and [selection: MAS Server, no other IT entities ] to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
Application Note: For all other use cases, the mobile device initiates the communication; however, for MDM Agents, the MDM Server may also initiate communication.
Refinement: The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for all communication between the MDM Agent and the MDM Server and [selection: all communication between the MAS Server and the MDM Agent, no other communication ]
Application Note: This element is iterated from the MDF PP; it is expected that the mobile device will initiate the trusted channel between the MDM Agent and the MDM Server for administrative communication and may initiate other trusted channels to other trusted IT entities for other uses.
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to determine that the methods of Agent-Server communication are indicated, along with how those communications are protected. The evaluator shall also confirm that all protocols listed in the TSS in support of remote TOE administration are consistent with those specified in the requirement, and are included in the requirements in the ST.

The evaluator shall confirm that the operational guidance contains instructions for configuring the communication channel between the MDM Agent and the MDM Server and conditionally, the MAS Server for each supported method.

For each supported identifier type (excluding DNs), the evaluator shall repeat the following tests:

  • Test 1.1: The evaluators shall ensure that communications using each specified (in the operational guidance) Agent-Server communication method is tested during the course of the evaluation, setting up the connections as described in the operational guidance and ensuring that communication is successful.
  • Test 1.2: The evaluator shall ensure, for each method of Agent-Server communication, the channel data is not sent in plaintext.
  • Test 1.3: The evaluator shall ensure, for each communication channel with the MDM Server, that a protocol analyzer identifies the traffic as the protocol under testing.

Further evaluation activities are associated with the specific protocols.

FTP_TRP.1/TRUSTPATH Trusted Path (for Enrollment)

Refinement: The TSF shall use [selection:
  • TLS client as defined in the Package for Transport Layer Security
] to provide a trusted communication path between itself and another trusted IT product that is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured identification of its endpoints and protection of the communicated data from disclosure and detection of modification of the communicated data from [modification, disclosure].
Refinement: The TSF shall permit MD users to initiate communication via the trusted path.
Refinement: The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for [[all MD user actions]].
Application Note: This requirement ensures that authorized MD users initiate all communication with the TOE via a trusted path, and that all communications with the TOE by MD users is performed over this path. The purpose of this connection is for enrollment by the MD user.

The ST author chooses the mechanism or mechanisms supported by the TOE. The data passed in this trusted communication channel are encrypted as defined by the protocol selected.

Since this requirement is only for the case when the PP-Module builds on MDF PP and in this case it is expected that the MDM Agent will be a native part of the mobile operating system, it is expected that the MDM Agent will utilize the mobile device's implementation of the selected protocols. HTTPS (FCS_HTTPS_EXT.1) and TLS (FCS_TLSC_EXT.1) are already mandatory for a MDF ST. If "TLS" or "DTLS" is selected the following selections from the TLS Functional Package must be made:
  • FCS_TLS_EXT.1:
    • TLS must be selected
    • client must be selected
  • FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.1:
    • The cipher suites selected must correspond with the algorithms and hash functions allowed in FCS_COP.1 from the MDF PP.
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to determine that the methods of remote enrollment are indicated, along with how those communications are protected. The evaluator shall also confirm that all protocols listed in the TSS in support of enrollment are consistent with those specified in the requirement, and are included in the requirements in the ST.

The evaluator shall confirm that the operational guidance contains instructions for establishing the enrollment sessions for each supported method.

For each MDM Agent/platform listed as supported in the ST:

  • Test 2.1: The evaluators shall ensure that communications using each specified (in the operational guidance) enrollment method is tested during the course of the evaluation, setting up the connections as described in the operational guidance and ensuring that communication is successful.
  • Test 2.2: For each method of enrollment supported, the evaluator shall follow the operational guidance to ensure that there is no available interface that can be used by a remote user to establish enrollment sessions without invoking the trusted path.
  • Test 2.3: The evaluator shall ensure, for each method enrollment, the channel data is not sent in plaintext.

Further evaluation activities are associated with the specific protocols.

5.2 MDM PP Security Functional Requirements Direction

In a PP-Configuration that includes the MDM PP, the TOE is expected to rely on some of the security functions implemented by the MDM Agent as a whole and evaluated against the MDM PP. The following sections describe any modifications that the ST author must make to the SFRs defined in the MDM PP in addition to what is mandated by Section 5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements.

5.2.1 Modified SFRs

This PP-Module does not modify any SFRs defined by the MDM PP.

5.2.2 Additional SFRs

This section defines additional SFRs that must be added to the TOE boundary in order to implement the functionality in any PP-Configuration where the MDM PP is claimed as the Base-PP. Cryptographic Support (FCS)

FCS_STG_EXT.1/KEYSTO Cryptographic Key Storage

Refinement: The MDM Agent shall use the [platform-provided key storage] for all persistent secret and private keys.
Application Note: This requirement ensures that persistent secrets (credentials, secret keys) and private keys are stored securely when not in use by the mobile platform.

The evaluator will verify that the TSS lists each persistent secret (credential, secret key) and private key needed to meet the requirements in the ST. For each of these items, the evaluator will confirm that the TSS lists for what purpose it is used, and, for each platform listed as supported in the ST, how it is stored. The evaluator shall verify that the Agent calls a platform-provided API to store persistent secrets and private keys.

5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements

The following section describes the SFRs that must be satisfied by any TOE that claims conformance to this PP-Module. These SFRs must be claimed regardless of which PP-Configuration is used to define the TOE.

5.3.1 Security Audit (FAU)

FAU_ALT_EXT.2 Agent Alerts

The MDM Agent shall provide an alert via the trusted channel to the MDM Server in the event of any of the following audit events:
  • successful application of policies to a mobile device,
  • [selection: receiving, generating ] periodic reachability events,
  • [selection:
    • change in enrollment state
    • failure to install an application from the MAS Server
    • failure to update an application from the MAS Server
    • [assignment: other events]
    • no other events
Application Note: The trusted channel is defined in FPT_ITT.1(2) of the Base-PP if Agent extends MDM Server and FTP_ITC_EXT.1 if Agent extends MDF PP. “Alert” in this requirement could be as simple as an audit record or a notification. If any prior alerts exist in the queue, per FAU_ALT_EXT.2.2, those alerts must be sent when the trusted channel is available.

This requirement is to ensure that the MDM Agent must notify the MDM Server whenever one of the events listed above occurs. Lack of receipt of a successful policy installation indicates the failure of the policy installation.

The periodic reachability events ensure that either the MDM Agent responds to MDM Server polls to determine device network reachability, or the MDM Agent can be configured to regularly notify the Server that it is reachable. The ST author must select “receiving” in the first case and “generating” in the second. The corresponding requirement for the MDM Server is FAU_NET_EXT.1 in the MDM PP.

The ST author must either assign further events or select the “no other events” option. Note that alerts may take time to reach the MDM Server, or not arrive, due to poor connectivity.

The MDM Agent shall queue alerts if the trusted channel is not available.
Application Note: If the trusted channel is not available, alerts must be queued. When the trusted channel becomes available, the queued alerts must be sent.

The evaluator shall examine the TSS and verify that it describes how the alerts are implemented.

The evaluator shall examine the TSS and verify that it describes how the candidate policy updates are obtained and the actions that take place for successful (policy update installed) and unsuccessful (policy update not installed) cases. The software components that are performing the processing must also be identified in the TSS and verified by the evaluator.

The evaluator also ensures that the TSS describes how reachability events are implemented, and if configurable are selected in FMT_SMF_EXT.4.2. The evaluator verifies that this description clearly indicates who (MDM Agent or MDM Server) initiates reachability events.

The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes under what circumstances, if any, the alert may not be generated (e.g., the device is powered off or disconnected from the trusted channel), how alerts are queued, and the maximum amount of storage for queued messages.

  • Test 3.1: The evaluator shall perform a policy update from the test environment MDM server. The evaluator shall verify the MDM Agent accepts the update, makes the configured changes, and reports the success of the policy update back to the MDM Server.
  • Test 3.2: The evaluator shall perform each of the actions listed in FAU_ALT_EXT.2.1 and verify that the alert does in fact reach the MDM Server.
  • Test 3.3: The evaluator shall configure the MDM Agent to perform a network reachability test, both with and without such connectivity and ensure that results reflect each.
  • Test 3.4: The evaluator shall remove network connectivity from the MDM Agent and generate an alert/event as defined in FAU_ALT_EXT.2.1. The evaluator shall restore network connectivity to the MDM Agent and verify that the alert generated while the TOE was disconnected is sent by the MDM Agent upon re-establishment of the connectivity.

FAU_GEN.1/AUDITGEN Audit Data Generation

Refinement: The MDM Agent shall [selection: invoke platform-provided functionality, implement functionality ] to generate an MDM Agent audit record of the following auditable events:
  1. Startup and shutdown of the MDM Agent;
  2. All auditable events for [not specified] level of audit; and
  3. [MDM policy updated, any modification commanded by the MDM Server, specifically defined auditable events listed in Table 2, and [selection: [assignment: other events], no other events ]].
Application Note: This requirement outlines the information to be included in the MDM Agent’s audit records. The ST author can include other auditable events directly in the Auditable Events table in FAU_GEN.1.1(2); they are not limited to the list presented.

MDM policy update must minimally indicate that an update to policy occurred. The event record need not contain the differences between the prior policy and the new policy; optionally, the specific change(s) to policy that were included in that update may be detailed. All updates to policy should trigger this alert. Modifications commanded by the MDM Server are those commands listed in FMT_SMF.1.1.

The selection for the FMT_UNR_EXT.1 auditable event in the Auditable Events table corresponds to the selection in FMT_UNR_EXT.1. If “apply remediation actions” is selected in FMT_UNR_EXT.1, then the ST author selects “attempt to unenroll” in FAU_GEN.1.1(2) Auditable Events table for FMT_UNR_EXT.1; otherwise, "none" is selected.

Table 2 Auditable Events
Requirement Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents
FAU_ALT_EXT.2 Success/failure of sending alert. No additional information.
FAU_GEN.1 None. N/A
FAU_SEL.1 All modifications to the audit configuration that occur while the audit collection functions are operating. No additional information.
FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 Failure to establish a TLS session. Reason for failure.
Failure to verify presented identifier. Presented identifier and reference identifier.
Establishment/termination of a TLS session. Non-TOE endpoint of connection.
FIA_ENR_EXT.2 Enrollment in management. Reference identifier of MDM Server.
FMT_POL_EXT.2 Failure of policy validation. Reason for failure of validation.
FMT_SMF_EXT.4 Outcome (Success/failure) of function. No additional information.
FMT_UNR_EXT.1.1 [selection: Attempt to unenroll, none ] No additional information.
FTP_ITC_EXT.1(2) Initiation and termination of trusted channel. Trusted channel protocol. Non-TOE endpoint of connection.

Refinement: The [selection: TSF, TOE platform ] shall record within each MDM Agent audit record at least the following information:
  1. Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity, (if relevant) the outcome (success or failure) of the event, and additional information in Table 2; and
  2. For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP-Module/ST, [assignment: other audit relevant information].
Application Note: All audits must contain at least the information mentioned in FAU_GEN.1.2(2), but may contain more information which can be assigned. The ST author must identify in the TSS which information of the audit record that is performed by the MDM Agent and that which is performed by the MDM Agent’s platform.

The evaluator shall check the TSS and ensure that it provides a format for audit records. Each audit record format type must be covered, along with a brief description of each field.

If "invoke platform-provided functionality" is selected, the evaluator shall examine the TSS to verify that it describes (for each supported platform) how this functionality is invoked (it should be noted that this may be through a mechanism that is not implemented by the MDM Agent; nonetheless, that mechanism will be identified in the TSS as part of this evaluation activity).

The evaluator shall use the TOE to perform the auditable events defined in the Auditable Events table in FAU_GEN.1.1(2) and observe that accurate audit records are generated with contents and formatting consistent with those described in the TSS. Note that this testing can be accomplished in conjunction with the testing of the security mechanisms directly.

FAU_SEL.1/EVENTSEL Security Audit Event Selection

Refinement: The TSF shall [selection: invoke platform-provided functionality, implement functionality ] to select the set of events to be audited from the set of all auditable events based on the following attributes:
  1. [event type]
  2. [success of auditable security events, failure of auditable security events, [assignment: other attributes]].
Application Note: The intent of this requirement is to identify all criteria that can be selected to trigger an audit event. For the ST author, the assignment is used to list any additional criteria or “no other attributes”. This selection may be configured by the MDM Server.

If "invoke platform-provided functionality" is selected, the evaluator shall examine the TSS of the ST to verify that it describes (for each supported platform) how this functionality is invoked (it should be noted that this may be through a mechanism that is not implemented by the MDM Agent; nonetheless, that mechanism will be identified in the TSS as part of this evaluation activity).

The evaluator shall examine the operational guidance to determine that it contains instructions on how to define the set of auditable events as well as explains the syntax for multi-value selection (if applicable). The evaluator shall also verify that the operational guidance shall identify those audit records that are always recorded, regardless of the selection criteria currently being enforced.

  • Test 4.1: For each attribute listed in the requirement, the evaluator shall devise a test to show that selecting the attribute causes only audit events with that attribute (or those that are always recorded, as identified in the administrative guidance) to be recorded.
  • Test 4.2: [conditional]: If the TSF supports specification of more complex audit pre-selection criteria (e.g., multiple attributes, logical expressions using attributes) then the evaluator shall devise tests showing that this capability is correctly implemented. The evaluator shall also, in the test plan, provide a short narrative justifying the set of tests as representative and sufficient to exercise the capability.

5.3.2 Identification and Authentication (FIA)

FIA_ENR_EXT.2 Agent Enrollment of Mobile Device into Management

The MDM Agent shall record the reference identifier of the MDM Server during the enrollment process.
Application Note: The reference identifier of the MDM Server may be the Distinguished Name, Domain Name, and/or the IP address of the MDM Server. This requirement allows the specification of the information to be to be used to establish a network connection and the reference identifier for authenticating the trusted channel between the MDM Server and MDM Agent.

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to verify that it describes which types of reference identifiers are acceptable and how the identifier is specified (e.g. preconfigured in the MDM Agent, by the user, by the MDM server, in a policy).

The evaluator shall examine the operational guidance to verify that it describes how to configure reference identifier of the MDM Server’s certificate and, if different than the reference identifier, the Domain Name or IP address (for connectivity) of the MDM Server.

The evaluator shall follow the operational guidance to establish the reference identifier of the MDM server on the MDM Agent and in conjunction with other evaluation activities verify that the MDM Agent can connect to the MDM Server and validate the MDM Server’s certificate.

5.3.3 Security Management (FMT)

FMT_POL_EXT.2 Agent Trusted Policy Update

The MDM Agent shall only accept policies and policy updates that are digitally signed by a certificate that has been authorized for policy updates by the MDM Server.
Application Note: The intent of this requirement is to cryptographically tie the policies to the enterprise that mandated the policy, not to protect the policies in transit (as they are already protected by FPT_ITT.1(2) of the Base-PP). This is especially critical for users who connect to multiple enterprises.

Policies must be digitally signed by the enterprise using the algorithms in FCS_COP.1(3).

The MDM Agent shall not install policies if the policy-signing certificate is deemed invalid.
The evaluator ensures that the TSS describes how the candidate policies are obtained by the MDM Agent, the processing associated with verifying the digital signature of the policy updates, and the actions that take place for successful (signature was verified) and unsuccessful (signature could not be verified) cases. The software components that are performing the processing must also be identified in the TSS and verified by the evaluators.

This evaluation activity is performed in conjunction with the evaluation activity for FIA_X509_EXT.1 and FIA_X509_EXT.2 as defined in the Base-PPs.

  • Test 5.1: The evaluator shall perform a policy update from an available configuration interface (such as through a test MDM Server). The evaluator shall verify the update is signed and is provided to the MDM Agent. The evaluator shall verify the MDM Agent accepts the digitally signed policy.
  • Test 5.2: The evaluator shall perform a policy update from an available configuration interface (such as through a test MDM Server). The evaluator shall provide an unsigned and an incorrectly signed policy to the MDM Agent. The evaluator shall verify the MDM Agent does not accept the digitally signed policy.

FMT_SMF_EXT.4 Specification of Management Functions

The MDM Agent shall be capable of interacting with the platform to perform the following functions:
  • Import the certificates to be used for authentication of MDM Agent communications,
  • [selection: administrator-provided management functions in MDF PP, administrator-provided device management functions in MDM PP ]
  • [selection: [assignment: additional functions], no additional functions ].
Application Note: This requirement captures all the configuration functionality in the MDM Agent to configure the underlying mobile device with the configuration policies sent from the MDM Server to the Agent. The ST author selects the Base-PP (MDF PP or MDM PP) as the source of the management functions.

The administrator-provided management functions in MDF PP are specified in Column 4 of Table 5 in MDF PP and in FPT_TUD_EXT.1 (for version queries). The administrator-provided device management functions in MDM PP are specified in FMT_SMF.1.1(1); the functions in the selection of FMT_SMF.1.1(1) in the MDM PP are required to correspond to the functions available on the platforms supported by the MDM Agent.

The ST author can add more commands and configuration policies by completing the assignment statement; the mobile device must support these additional commands or configuration policies.

The agent must configure the platform based on the commands and configuration policies received from the MDM Server. The ST author must not claim any functionality not provided by the supported mobile device(s). All selections and assignments performed by the ST author in this requirement should match the selections and assignments of the validated mobile device ST.

The MDM Agent shall be capable of performing the following functions:
  • Enroll in management
  • Configure whether users can unenroll from management
  • [selection: configure periodicity of reachability events, [assignment: other management functions], no other functions ].
Application Note: This requirement captures all of the configuration in the MDM Agent for configuration of itself.

If the MDM Agent is a part of the mobile device, enrollment is a single function both of the Agent and of the mobile device (FMT_SMF_EXT.4.1).

If the MDM Agent is an application developed separately from the mobile device, the MDM Agent performs the function “enroll the mobile device in management” (per FMT_SMF_EXT.4.1) by registering itself to the mobile device as a device administrator. The Agent itself is enrolled in management by configuring the MDM Server to which the Agent answers.

If the MDM Agent does not support unenrollment prevention, remediation actions should be applied upon unenrollment (per FMT_UNR_EXT.1).

If the Agent generates periodic reachability events in FAU_ALT_EXT.2.1 and the periodicity of these events is configurable, “configure periodicity of reachability events” must be selected.

This assurance activity may be performed in conjunction with other assurance activities in the Base-PP.

The evaluator shall verify that the any assigned functions are described in the TSS and that these functions are documented as supported by the platform. The evaluator shall examine the TSS to verify that any differences between management functions and policies for each supported mobile device are listed.

The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes the methods in which the MDM Agent can be enrolled.

The TSS description shall make clear if the MDM Agent supports multiple interfaces for enrollment and configuration (for example, both remote configuration and local configuration).

The evaluator shall verify the AGD guidance includes detailed instructions for configuring each function in this requirement.

If the MDM Agent is a component of the MDM system (i.e. MDM Server is the Base-PP), the evaluator shall verify, by consulting documentation for the claimed mobile device platforms, that the configurable functions listed for this Agent are supported by the platforms.

If the MDM Agent supports multiple interfaces for configuration (for example, both remote configuration and local configuration), the AGD guidance makes clear whether some functions are restricted to certain interfaces.

  • Test 6.1: In conjunction with the evaluation activities in the Base-PP, the evaluator shall attempt to configure each administrator-provided management function and shall verify that the mobile device executes the commands and enforces the policies.
  • Test 6.2: The evaluator shall configure the MDM Agent authentication certificate in accordance with the configuration guidance. The evaluator shall verify that the MDM Agent uses this certificate in performing the tests for FPT_ITT.1(2) (from the MDM PP).
  • Test 6.3: In conjunction with other evaluation activities, the evaluator shall attempt to enroll the MDM Agent in management with each interface identified in the TSS, and verify that the MDM Agent can manage the device and communicate with the MDM Server.
  • Test 6.4: [conditional] In conjunction with the evaluation activity for FAU_ALT_EXT.2.1, the evaluator shall configure the periodicity for reachability events for several configured time periods and shall verify that the MDM Server receives alerts on that schedule.
  • Test 6.5: [conditional] The evaluator shall design and perform tests to demonstrate that the assigned function may be configured and that the intended behavior of the function is enacted by the mobile device.

FMT_UNR_EXT.1 User Unenrollment Prevention

The MDM Agent shall provide a mechanism to enforce the following behavior upon an attempt to unenroll the mobile device from management: [selection: prevent the unenrollment from occurring, apply remediation actions ].
Application Note: Unenrolling is the action of transitioning from the enrolled state to the unenrolled state. If preventing the user from unenrolling is configurable, administrators configure whether users are allowed to unenroll through the MDM Server.

For those configurations where unenrollment is allowed, for example a BYOD usage, the MDF PP describes remediation actions performed upon unenrollment, such as wiping enterprise data, in FMT_SMF_EXT.2.1; however, the MDM Agent is limited to those actions supported by the mobile device on which the Agent is operating.

The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the mechanism used to prevent users from unenrolling or the remediation actions applied when unenrolled.

The evaluator shall ensure that the administrative guidance instructs administrators in configuring the unenrollment prevention in each available configuration interface. If any configuration allows users to unenroll, the guidance also describes the actions that unenroll the Agent.

  • Test 7.1: If ‘prevent the unenrollment from occurring’ is selected: The evaluator shall configure the Agent according to the administrative guidance for each available configuration interface, shall attempt to unenroll the device, and shall verify that the attempt fails.
  • Test 7.2: If ‘apply remediation actions’ is selected: If any configuration allows the user to unenroll, the evaluator shall configure the Agent to allow user unenrollment, attempt to unenroll, and verify that the remediation actions are applied.

5.4 TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale

The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE, showing that the SFRs are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives:
Table 3: SFR Rationale
ObjectiveAddressed byRationale
FCS_DTLSS_EXT.1 (from TLS Package), FCS_DTLSC_EXT.1 (from TLS Package), FCS_TLSC_EXT.1 (from TLS Package), FCS_TLSC_EXT.2 (from TLS Package), FCS_TLSS_EXT.1 (from TLS Package), FCS_TLSS_EXT.2 (from TLS Package), FPT_NET_EXT.1 (objective), FTP_ITC_EXT.1(2) (if MDF is Base-PP), FTP_TRP.1(2) (if MDF is Base-PP) FILL IN
FCS_STG_EXT.1(2) (if MDM is Base-PP), FCS_STG_EXT.4 (if MDF is Base-PP) FILL IN

5.5 TOE Security Assurance Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any SARs beyond those defined within the Base-PPs to which it can claim conformance. It is important to note that a TOE that is evaluated against this PP-Module is inherently evaluated against the MDM Agents PP, and MDM PP as well. These PPs include a number of EAs associated with both Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) and SARs. Additionally, this PP-Module includes a number of SFR-based EAs that similarly refine the SARs of the Base-PPs. The evaluation laboratory will evaluate the TOE against the chosen Base-PP and supplement that evaluation with the necessary SFRs that are taken from this PP-Module.

6 Consistency Rationale

6.1 Protection Profile for MDM Agents

6.1.1 Consistency of TOE Type

When this PP-Module is used to extend the MDF PP, the TOE type for the overall TOE is still a mobile device. The TOE boundary is simply extended to include the MDM Agent application that runs on the mobile device.

6.1.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition

PP-Module Threat, Assumption, OSPConsistency Rationale
T.BACKUP This threat protects user data from unauthorized logical access. An attacker would attempt to exploit this threat by first exploiting the T.PHYSICAL, T.FLAWAPP, or T.PERSISTENT threats defined in the Base-PP against the mobile device as a whole, and then using the device itself as an attack vector against any backup data stored on the TOE.

6.1.3 Consistency of Objectives

The objectives for the TOEs are consistent with the MDM Agents PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module TOE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
O.ACCOUNTABILITY The Base-PP provides an objective, O.INTEGRITY, that ensures that the integrity of the mobile device is maintained. This objective assists in the implementation of O.INTEGRITY by providing records of administrative activity, which would include actions that could cause the integrity of the mobile device to be lost.
O.APPLY_POLICY This objective supports the implementation of the O.CONFIG objective defined in the Base-PP by specifying an additional method by which the TSF may be configured.
O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT This objective extends the Base-PP's O.COMMS objective by ensuring that the communications related to MDM Agent functionality are secured in the same manner as other sensitive data transmitted to/from the mobile device.
O.STORAGE This objective extends the Base-PP’s O.STORAGE objective by ensuring that the mobile device’s data-at-rest protection mechanisms can also be used to secure the MDM Agent and related data.

The objectives for the TOE's OE are consistent with the MDM Agents PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module OE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
OE.DATA_PROPER_ADMIN This objective extends the Base-PP’s OE.CONFIG objective by expecting that TOE administrators act appropriately when installing or configuring the MDM Agent.
OE.DATA_PROPER_USER This objective extends the Base-PP’s OE.NOTIFY and OE.PRECAUTION objectives by setting reasonable expectations for user security behavior.
OE.IT_ENTERPRISE This objective helps mitigate the T.EAVESDROP and T.NETWORK threats defined by the Base-PP by reducing the network exposure of the mobile device. This does not conflict with the Base-PP because the Base-PP does not set specific expectations for the level of security that the enterprise provides, but all use cases from the Base-PP set expectations that the mobile device is used for some enterprise purposes so it is reasonable to expect the enterprise have security controls in place to protect these functions.
OE.MOBILE_DEVICE_PLATFORM This objective is suitable because the MDM Agent can reasonably expect the device it has been deployed on to be secure.
OE.WIRELESS_NETWORK This objective is suitable because while the Base-PP does not associate any availability metrics with wireless communications, the mobile device will always provide the ability to access a wireless network.

6.1.4 Consistency of Requirements

This PP-Module identifies several SFRs from the MDM Agents PP that are needed to support MDM Agents functionality. This is considered to be consistent because the functionality provided by the MDM Agents PP is being used for its intended purpose. The PP-Module identifies new SFRs that are used entirely to provide functionality for MDM Agents. The rationale for why this does not conflict with the claims defined by the MDM Agents PP are as follows:
PP-Module RequirementConsistency Rationale
Modified SFRs
This PP-Module does not modify any requirements when the MDM Agents PP is the base.
Additional SFRs
FCS_STG_EXT.4 This SFR requires the MDM Agent to use functionality defined by the Base-PP in FCS_CKM_EXT.1.
FTP_ITC_EXT.1/TRUSTCHAN The Base-PP defines FTP_ITC_EXT.1 to define the secure protocols used for trusted channel communications. This PP-Module iterates the SFR to specify a subset of these protocols that may be used for MDM Agent communications in particular.
FTP_TRP.1/TRUSTPATHThis SFR uses the trusted channel protocols defined by the Base-PP in FTP_ITC_EXT.1 to facilitate a trusted path that the MDM Agent can use to enroll the mobile device it runs on into management. Even though the Base-PP does not define FTP_TRP.1, the requirement was given an iteration label for consistency with the MDM Server requirement of the same name.
Mandatory SFRs
Optional SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Optional requirements.
Selection-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Selection-based requirements.
Objective SFRs
Implementation-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Implementation-based requirements.

6.2 Protection Profile for Mobile Device Management

6.2.1 Consistency of TOE Type

When this PP-Module is used to extend the MDM PP, the TOE type for the overall TOE is still mobile device management. The TOE boundary is simply extended to include the MDM Agent(s) that reside on individual mobile devices and support the management functionality that the MDM Server component implements.

6.2.2 Consistency of Security Problem Definition

PP-Module Threat, Assumption, OSPConsistency Rationale
T.BACKUP This threat protects user data from unauthorized logical access. If the backup data is stored outside the MDM or the mobile device that it protects, then there is no conflict with the MDM PP since it is a different security boundary. If the backup data is stored either on the MDM or on the protected device, an attacker would attempt to exploit this threat by first exploiting any of the threats that the MDM PP defines (T.MALICIOUS_APPS, T.NETWORK_ATTACK, T.NETWORK_EAVESDROP, T.PHYSICAL_ACCESS) depending on where and how the backup data is stored, and then use successful exploitation of one of these threats to attempt to access the backup data itself.

6.2.3 Consistency of Objectives

The objectives for the TOEs are consistent with the MDM PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module TOE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
O.ACCOUNTABILITY The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
O.APPLY_POLICY The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
O.DATA_PROTECTION_TRANSIT The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
O.STORAGE This objective requires the MDM Agent to use platform key storage to protect secret and private key data. The MDM PP defines a requirement for key storage (FCS_STG_EXT.1) that allows the MDM Agent to satisfy this objective.

The objectives for the TOE's OE are consistent with the MDM PP based on the following rationale:
PP-Module OE ObjectiveConsistency Rationale
OE.DATA_PROPER_ADMIN The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
OE.DATA_PROPER_USER The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
OE.IT_ENTERPRISE The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
OE.MOBILE_DEVICE_PLATFORM The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.
OE.WIRELESS_NETWORK The MDM PP contains this same objective with the same purpose.

6.2.4 Consistency of Requirements

This PP-Module identifies several SFRs from the MDM PP that are needed to support MDM Agents functionality. This is considered to be consistent because the functionality provided by the MDM PP is being used for its intended purpose. The PP-Module identifies new SFRs that are used entirely to provide functionality for MDM Agents. The rationale for why this does not conflict with the claims defined by the MDM PP are as follows:
PP-Module RequirementConsistency Rationale
Modified SFRs
This PP-Module does not modify any requirements when the MDM PP is the base.
Additional SFRs
FCS_STG_EXT.1/KEYSTO The Base-PP requires the TOE to define a method of key storage. This PP-Module iterates it to specify the use of platform key storage for MDM Agents.
Mandatory SFRs
Optional SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Optional requirements.
Selection-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Selection-based requirements.
Objective SFRs
Implementation-based SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any Implementation-based requirements.

Appendix A - Optional SFRs

A.1 Strictly Optional Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Strictly Optional SFRs.

A.2 Objective Requirements

A.2.1 Security Audit (FAU)

FAU_STG_EXT.3 Security Audit Event Storage

The MDM Agent shall store MDM audit records in the platform-provided audit storage.
Application Note: FAU_STG_EXT.3 should only be included in the ST for MDM Agent platforms (i.e., mobile devices) that conform to MDF PP version 3 or later.

The evaluator shall verify that the TSS description of the audit records indicates how the records are stored. The evaluator shall verify that the Agent calls a platform-provided API to store audit records.

A.2.2 Protection of the TSF (FPT)

FPT_NET_EXT.1 Network Reachability

The TSF shall detect when a configurable [selection: positive integer of missed reachability events occur, time limit is exceeded ] related to the last successful connection with the server has been reached.
Application Note: This requirement is to enable the Agent to determine if it has been out of connectivity with the Server for too long. The configuration of the number of allowed missed reachability events or time limit since last successful connection with the server is handled in Server configuration policy of the Agent (the first selection of function 56 in FMT_SMF.1.1(1) within the MDM PP). If the first selection of FMT_SMF.1.1(1) function 56 is included in the ST, then FPT_NET_EXT.1.1 must be included in the ST.

If the Agent has been out of connectivity with the server for too long than the remediation actions specified in the second selection of function 56 must occur. For example if the Agent has not synced with the server in the allowed amount of time that the Agent must wipe the device without requiring a command from the Server.

The evaluator shall verify that the TSS contains a description of how the Agent determines how long it has been since the last successful connection with the Server (i.e., total number of missed reachability events or time). If total number of missed reachability events is selected, the evaluator shall verify that the TSS contains a description of how often the reachability events are sent.

The evaluator shall verify that the AGD guidance instructs the administrator, if needed, how to configure the TOE to detect when the time since last successful connection with the server has been reached.

The evaluator shall configure the Server configuration policy of the Agent per FMT_SMF.1.1(1) function 56 within the Mobile Device Managment PP. The device shall be placed in airplane mode to prevent connectivity with the Server. The evaluator shall verify that after the configured time, the remediation actions selected in function 56 occur.

A.3 Implementation-dependent Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Implementation-dependent SFRs.

Appendix B - Selection-based Requirements

This PP-Module does not define any Selection-based SFRs.

Appendix C - Extended Component Definitions

This appendix contains the definitions for all extended requirements specified in the Module.

C.1 Extended Components Table

All extended components specified in the Module are listed in this table:
Table 4: Extended Component Definitions
Functional ClassFunctional Components
Cryptographic Support (FCS)FCS_STG_EXT Trusted Channel
Identification and Authentication (FIA)FIA_ENR_EXT Enrollment
Protection of the TSF (FPT)FPT_NET_EXT Network Reachability
Security Audit (FAU)FAU_ALT_EXT MDM Alerts
FAU_STG_EXT Protected Audit Event Storage
Security Management (FMT)FMT_POL_EXT Trusted Policy Update
FMT_SMF_EXT Specification of Management Functions (Agent)
FMT_UNR_EXT Unenrollment

C.2 Extended Component Definitions

C.2.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS)

This Module defines the following extended components as part of the FCS class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.1.1 FCS_STG_EXT Trusted Channel

This family is defined in both the MDF and the MDM Base-PPs. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FCS_STG_EXT.4. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDF or MDM PP for all other definitions for this family.

FCS_STG_EXT.4, Cryptographic Key Storage, requires the TSF to define a specific location for its key storage.

Management: FCS_STG_EXT.4

There are no management functions foreseen.

Audit: FCS_STG_EXT.4

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FCS_STG_EXT.4 Cryptographic Key Storage

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic Key Generation


The MDM Agent shall use the platform provided key storage for all persistent secret and private keys.

C.2.2 Identification and Authentication (FIA)

This Module defines the following extended components as part of the FIA class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.2.1 FIA_ENR_EXT Enrollment

This family is defined in the MDM Base-PP. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FIA_ENR_EXT.2. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDM PP for all other definitions for this family.

FIA_ENR_EXT.2, Agent Enrollment of Mobile Device into Management, requires the TSF to record specific information about the MDM Server (i.e. the entity that is enrolling it) during the enrollment process.

Management: FIA_ENR_EXT.2

There are no management functions foreseen.

Audit: FIA_ENR_EXT.2

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Completion of enrollment process.

FIA_ENR_EXT.2 Agent Enrollment of Mobile Device into Management

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FIA_ENR_EXT.1 Enrollment of Mobile Device into Management


The MDM Agent shall record the reference identifier of the MDM Server during the enrollment process.

C.2.3 Protection of the TSF (FPT)

This Module defines the following extended components as part of the FPT class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.3.1 FPT_NET_EXT Network Reachability

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for tracking the availability of network components.

Component Leveling


FPT_NET_EXT.1, Network Reachability, requires the TSF to keep track of failed attempts to communicate with a remote entity.

Management: FPT_NET_EXT.1

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Configuration of unreachability threshold.

Audit: FPT_NET_EXT.1

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Reaching/exceeding unreachability threshold.

FPT_NET_EXT.1 Network Reachability

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FPT_STM.1 Reliable Time Stamps


The TSF shall detect when a configurable [selection: positive integer of missed reachability events occur, time limit is exceeded ] related to the last successful connection with the server has been reached.

C.2.4 Security Audit (FAU)

This Module defines the following extended components as part of the FAU class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.4.1 FAU_ALT_EXT MDM Alerts

This family is defined in the MDM Base-PP. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FAU_ALT_EXT.2. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDM PP for all other definitions for this family.

FAU_ALT_EXT.2, Agent Alerts, requires the TSF to define when and how an MDM Agent generates alerts and transmits them to an MDM Server based on its activity.

Management: FAU_ALT_EXT.2

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Ability to configure the specific events that result in generation of alerts.

Audit: FAU_ALT_EXT.2

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Success/failure of sending alert.

FAU_ALT_EXT.2 Agent Alerts

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FAU_ALT_EXT.1 Server Alerts
[FPT_ITT.1(2) Basic Internal TSF Data Transfer Protection; or
FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF Trusted Channel]


The MDM Agent shall provide an alert via the trusted channel to the MDM Server in the event of any of the following audit events:
  • successful application of policies to a mobile device,
  • [selection: receiving, generating ] periodic reachability events,
  • [selection:
    • change in enrollment state
    • failure to install an application from the MAS Server
    • failure to update an application from the MAS Server
    • [assignment: other events]
    • no other events


The MDM Agent shall queue alerts if the trusted channel is not available.

C.2.4.2 FAU_STG_EXT Protected Audit Event Storage

This family is defined in the MDM Base-PP. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FAU_STG_EXT.3. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDM PP for all other definitions for this family.

FAU_STG_EXT.3, Security Audit Event Storage, requires the TSF to identify a location for audit record storage and the events that are stored at this location.

Management: FAU_STG_EXT.3

There are no management functions foreseen.

Audit: FAU_STG_EXT.3

There are no auditable events foreseen.

FAU_STG_EXT.3 Security Audit Event Storage

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FAU_GEN.1 Audit Data Generation


The MDM Agent shall store MDM audit records in the platform-provided audit storage.

C.2.5 Security Management (FMT)

This Module defines the following extended components as part of the FMT class originally defined by CC Part 2:

C.2.5.1 FMT_POL_EXT Trusted Policy Update

This family is defined in the MDM Base-PP. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FMT_POL_EXT.2. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDM PP for all other definitions for this family.

FMT_POL_EXT.2, Agent Trusted Policy Update, requires the TSF to verify the validity of the source of a policy before applying it.

Management: FMT_POL_EXT.2

There are no management functions foreseen.

Audit: FMT_POL_EXT.2

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Failure to validate policy.

FMT_POL_EXT.2 Agent Trusted Policy Update

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic Operation
FMT_POL_EXT.1 Trusted Policy Update


The MDM Agent shall only accept policies and policy updates that are digitally signed by a certificate that has been authorized for policy updates by the MDM Server.


The MDM Agent shall not install policies if the policy-signing certificate is deemed invalid.

C.2.5.2 FMT_SMF_EXT Specification of Management Functions (Agent)

This family is defined in the MDF Base-PP. This PP-Module augments the extended family by adding one additional component, FMT_SMF_EXT.4. This new component and its impact on the extended family’s component leveling are shown below; reference the MDF PP for all other definitions for this family.

FMT_SMF_EXT.4, Specification of Management Functions, requires the TSF to support the execution of certain management functions that require interfacing with other TOE components.

Management: FMT_SMF_EXT.4

The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT:

  • Execution of management functions.
  • Configuration of management functions behavior.

Audit: FMT_SMF_EXT.4

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Successful and failed execution of management functions.

FMT_SMF_EXT.4 Specification of Management Functions

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: FCS_CKM.1 Cryptographic Key Generation


The MDM Agent shall be capable of interacting with the platform to perform the following functions:
  • Import the certificates to be used for authentication of MDM Agent communications,
  • [selection: administrator-provided management functions in MDF PP, administrator-provided device management functions in MDM PP ]
  • [selection: [assignment: additional functions], no additional functions ].


The MDM Agent shall be capable of performing the following functions:
  • Enroll in management
  • Configure whether users can unenroll from management
  • [selection: configure periodicity of reachability events, [assignment: other management functions], no other functions ].

C.2.5.3 FMT_UNR_EXT Unenrollment

Family Behavior

Components in this family define requirements for TSF behavior when a user attempts to unenroll the TOE from mobile device management.

Component Leveling


FMT_UNR_EXT.1, User Unenrollment Prevention, requires the TSF either to prevent unenrollment entirely or to take some corrective action in the event that an unenrollment is initiated.

Management: FMT_UNR_EXT.1

There are no management functions foreseen.

Audit: FMT_UNR_EXT.1

The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST:

  • Minimal: Unenrollment from MDM.

FMT_UNR_EXT.1 User Unenrollment Prevention

Hierarchical to: No other components.

Dependencies to: [FIA_ENR_EXT.1 Enrollment of Mobile Device into Management; or
FMT_MOF_EXT.1 Management of Functions Behavior]


The MDM Agent shall provide a mechanism to enforce the following behavior upon an attempt to unenroll the mobile device from management: [selection: prevent the unenrollment from occurring, apply remediation actions ].

Appendix D - Use Case Templates

D.1 Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose enterprise use

The use case [USE CASE 1] Enterprise-owned device for general-purpose enterprise use makes no changes to the base requirements.

D.2 Enterprise-owned device for specialized, high-security use

The configuration for [USE CASE 2] Enterprise-owned device for specialized, high-security use modifies the base requirements as follows:
From FMT_UNR_EXT.1.1:
* select prevent the unenrollment from occurring

D.3 Personally owned device for personal and enterprise use

The configuration for [USE CASE 3] Personally owned device for personal and enterprise use modifies the base requirements as follows:
From FMT_UNR_EXT.1.1:
* select apply remediation actions

D.4 Personally owned device for personal and limited enterprise use

The use case [USE CASE 4] Personally owned device for personal and limited enterprise use makes no changes to the base requirements.

Appendix E - Acronyms

APIApplication Programming Interface
Base-PPBase Protection Profile
BYODBring Your Own Device
CCCommon Criteria
CEMCommon Evaluation Methodology
COPECorporately Owned, Personally Enabled
cPPCollaborative Protection Profile
DNDistinguished Name
DTLSDatagram Transport Layer Security
EPExtended Package
FPFunctional Package
GPOSGeneral Purpose Operating System
HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
IPInternet Protocol
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
MASMobile Application Store
MDMobile Device
MDFMobile Device Fundamentals
MDMMobile Device Management
OEOperational Environment
PPProtection Profile
PP-ConfigurationProtection Profile Configuration
PP-ModuleProtection Profile Module
RBGRandom Bit Generation
SARSecurity Assurance Requirement
SDSupporting Document
SFRSecurity Functional Requirement
STSecurity Target
STSecurity Target
TLSTransport Layer Security
TOETarget of Evaluation
TSFTOE Security Functionality
TSFITSF Interface
TSSTOE Summary Specification
VPNVirtual Private Network
WiFiWireless Fidelity

Appendix F - Bibliography

[CC]Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation -