The scope of this PP-Module is to describe the security functionality of a Host Agent in terms of [CC]
and to define functional and assurance requirements for such products. This PP-Module is intended for use with the following Base-PPs:
Protection Profile for Application Software [AppPP], Version 1.3.
This Base-PP is valid because a Host Agent is deployed as a software application on a general-purpose operating system.
1.2 Terms
The following sections list Common Criteria and technology terms used in this document.
1.2.1 Common Criteria Terms
Grounds for confidence that a TOE meets the SFRs [CC].
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (International Standard ISO/IEC 15408).
Common Criteria Testing Laboratory
Within the context of the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS), an IT security evaluation facility, accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and approved by the NIAP Validation Body to conduct Common Criteria-based evaluations.
A computing device that runs a general purpose OS, mobile device OS, or network device OS. Endpoints can
include desktops, servers, and mobile devices.
A type of application hosted on a server or cloud service that provides
support for security management, information flows, reporting, policy, and data analytics
in complex enterprise environments.
Host Agent
A logical piece of software that executes on endpoints to collect data about the endpoint and
executes commands sent to the endpoint from an ESM server
or service. An example command sent to an endpoint could be to enforce a policy from an
ESM, to collect some files, or to run an OS command.
Software that manages physical and logical resources and provides services
for applications.
Unenrolled State
The state in which an endpoint, with or without a Host Agent, is not managed by an ESM.
Also, referred to as Offboarding.
1.3 Compliant Targets of Evaluation
The requirements for the EDR are not covered in this PP-Module, however it is expected that an ESM system
will evaluate against a PP-Configuration that includes both the [EDR]PP-Module and the Host AgentPP-Module.
The EDRPP-Module covers the security functionality needed on the server or cloud service, and the paired
Host Agent PP-Module covers the security functionality needed on the endpoint device (desktop, mobile device, etc.).
At this time only the [EDR]PP-Module is published and ready for use with this Host Agent PP-Module.
Future versions of this PP-Module will include requirements for other classes of ESM software.
1.3.1 TOE Boundary
The boundary for the Host Agent includes
all processes, all modules, and libraries bundled with the Host Agent. The Host
Agent can run as a daemon or service on the platform but is not required to. The Host Agent is
not expected to have a local or remote Graphical User Interface (GUI) for administration but having
such an interface is not precluded by this PP-Module. It is expected that Host Agents will be managed by
their associated ESM server or the underlying platform.
The TOE boundary includes the communications channel with other Host Agents, an ESM server, or a cloud
service. The platform operating system or execution environment
upon which the Host Agent is executing is outside the scope of a Host Agent evaluation. The figures
below show some sample Host Agents but are not inclusive of every possible Host Agent design.
The TOE platform consists of a general purpose OS, a mobile device
OS, a network device OS, or an Execution Environment on top of which
the Host Agent software executes.
1.4 Use Cases
Requirements in this PP-Module are designed to
address the security problem for the following use cases. These use cases are intentionally
very broad, as many different types of ESM Host Agent products may exist. As this PP-Module is revised to allow for more specific types of ESM Host Agent products, additional use cases
may be devised.
[USE CASE 1] Communication
The Host Agent allows for communication interactively or
non-interactively with other ESM software over a communications channel.
Example communications include but are not limited to; receiving policy, sending data, and running tasks
or commands.
2 Conformance Claims
This PP-Module inherits exact conformance as required from
the specified Base-PP and as defined in the CC and
CEM addenda for Exact Conformance, Selection-Based SFRs, and Optional
SFRs (dated May 2017).
The following PPs and PP-Modules are allowed to be specified in a PP-Configuration with this PP-Module:
PP-Module for Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Version 1.0.
This PP-Module is conformant to Parts 2 (extended) and 3
(extended) of Common Criteria Version 3.1, Release 5 [CC].
This PP-Module is TLS Package Version 1.1
3 Security Problem Description
The security problem is described in terms
of the threats that the Host Agent is expected to address, assumptions about the
Operational Environment, and any organizational security policies that the Host Agent
is expected to enforce. These extend any threats, assumptions, and organizational security policies defined by the Base-PP.
3.1 Threats
Note that this PP-Module does not repeat the threats identified in the [AppPP], though they all apply given the conformance and hence dependence of this PP-Module on the [AppPP].
A Host Agent can be susceptible to data loss during periods when connectivity
to the ESM system is not present.
A Host Agent can be susceptible to tampering by unprivileged users who may try to uninstall
or disrupt the Host Agent's ability to function properly.
This PP-Module defines no additional assumptions beyond those defined in the Base-PP.
3.3 Organizational Security Policies
This PP-Module defines no additional organizational security policies beyond those defined in the Base-PP.
4 Security Objectives
4.1 Security Objectives for the TOE
Conformant Host Agents ensure that information exists that allows
administrators to discover unintentional issues with the configuration and operation of
the Host Agent.
Addressed by: FAU_GEN.1/HA, FAU_STO_EXT.1
Conformant Host Agents will collect security-relevant data from a target entity in the
Operational Environment and transmit it to a trusted entity for further processing.
They will also implement mechanisms to ensure that collected data is retained in the event
that the trusted channel is unavailable to prevent data loss.
Addressed by: FHA_HAD_EXT.1, FHA_CHA_EXT.1 (selection-based), FHA_COL_EXT.1 (selection-based)
Conformant Host Agents will ensure the integrity of policy and/or commands sent to
the Host Agent and also leverage execution environment or platform-based mitigations
to protect the Host Agent.
Addressed by: FMT_UNR_EXT.1, FMT_POL_EXT.1 (objective)
To facilitate authorized management by the enterprise, conformant Host Agents
provide consistent and supported interfaces for their
security-relevant configuration and maintenance.
Addressed by: FMT_SMF.1/HA
To address both passive (eavesdropping) and active (packet modification)
network attack threats, conformant Host Agents will use a trusted channel
for sending and receiving data.
Addressed by: FTP_DIT_EXT.1 (from Base-PP), FTP_DIT_EXT.2 (selection-based)
4.2 Security Objectives for the Operational Environment
This PP-Module does not define any objectives for the Operational Environment.
4.3 Security Objectives Rationale
This section describes how the assumptions, threats, and organization security policies map to the security objectives.
The threat T.DATA_LOSS is countered by O.DATA_RECORDER as this
provides for caching of data by a Host Agent during periods when not connected to the ESM
The threat T.TAMPER is countered by O.ACCOUNTABILITY which protect
the Host Agent and report artifact up to the ESM system that could help to discover tampering.I
The threat T.TAMPER is countered by O.INTEGRITY which protect
the Host Agent and report artifact up to the ESM system that could help to discover tampering.
5 Security Requirements
This chapter describes the security requirements which have to be fulfilled by the product under evaluation.
Those requirements comprise functional components from Part 2 and assurance components from Part 3 of [CC].
The following conventions are used for the completion of operations:
Refinement operation (denoted by bold text or strikethrough
text): is used to add details to a requirement (including replacing an assignment
with a more restrictive selection) or to remove part of the requirement that is made irrelevant
through the completion of another operation, and thus further restricts a requirement.
Selection (denoted by italicized text): is used to select one or more options
provided by the [CC] in stating a requirement.
Assignment operation (denoted by italicized text): is used to assign a
specific value to an unspecified parameter, such as the length of a password. Showing the
value in square brackets indicates assignment.
Iteration operation: is indicated by appending the SFR name with a slash and unique identifier
suggesting the purpose of the operation, e.g. "/EXAMPLE1."
5.1 App PP
Security Functional Requirements Direction
In a PP-Configuration that includes App PP, the TOE is expected to rely on some of the security functions implemented by the application
as a whole and evaluated against the Base-PP.
The SFRs listed in this section are defined in the Base-PP and relevant to the secure operation of the Host Agent.
This section describes any modifications that the ST author must make to the Base-PP SFRs to satisfy the required Host Agent functionality.
Modified SFRs
This PP-Module does not modify any SFRs defined by the App PP.
5.2 TOE Security Functional Requirements
The following section describes the SFRs that must be satisfied by any TOE that claims conformance to this PP-Module.
These SFRs must be claimed regardless of which PP-Configuration is used to define the TOE.
[assignment: Other specifically defined auditable events]
Application Note:
The required audit events must be generated by the Host Agent, but can leverage
API's available from the platform if needed to generate the audit events. For the selection one or both options may be selected.
The assignment may be empty, a single item, or multiple items. Changes in enrollment include new enrollment and unenrollment.
Refinement: The
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall record within each audit record at least the following information:
Date and time of the event,
Type of event,
Subject identity,
Outcome (success or failure) of the event,
For each audit type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components included in the PP/ST, [assignment: Other audit relevant information].
Application Note:
All audits must contain at least the information mentioned in FAU_GEN.1.2/HA,
but may contain more information. The term subject here is understood
to be the user that the process is acting on behalf of or for network communication related events the server name/address.
The subject identity can
be blank if not applicable for a given process. The assignment may be empty, a single item, or multiple items.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS lists all record types that are recorded.
The evaluator shall verify that the TSS lists all the auditable event types and all audit information that the TOE records.
The evaluator shall check the administrative guide and ensure
that it lists all of the auditable events. The evaluator shall
check to make sure that every audit event type selected in the ST
is included.
The evaluator shall check the administrative guide and ensure
that it provides a format
for audit records. Each audit record format type must be covered,
along with a brief description of each field. The evaluator shall
ensure that the fields contain the information required.
Test 1:
The evaluator shall test the Host Agent's ability to correctly generate
audit records by having the Host Agent generate audit records for each type of
event listed in the ST.
Test 2:
The evaluator shall
ensure the audit records generated during testing match the
format specified in the administrative guide, and that the fields
in each audit record provide the required information.
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall store audit events in the platform-provided logging mechanism.
Application Note:
The term audit events here is understood to be only the set of events
defined in FAU_GEN.1/HA. If the job of this Host Agent is to generate
or collect events for an ESM server it is not expected
that those events will be stored in the platform-provided logging mechanism.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS contains details of where all audit data is stored.
The evaluator shall check the administrative guide and ensure
that the list of auditable events are stored in the platform-provided logging
The evaluator shall test the Host Agent's ability to correctly generate
audit records by having the TOE generate audit records for the
events listed in the ST. This should include all instance types
of an event specified.
When verifying the test results, the evaluator shall ensure the
audit records generated during testing are stored in the platform-provided logging
On Linux based platforms this would be in var/logs. On Windows based
platforms this would be the Windows Event Log.
No specific locations are defined for other platforms.
Application Note:
By selecting another Host Agent
the additional FTP_DIT_EXT.2
requirements must be included in the ST for peer-to-peer communication.
This restricts the selections in the Base-PP to a specific list of communications that may be user or application initiated.
The evaluator shall confirm the TSS lists network communication destinations and that it matches the selections made in the SFR.
The evaluator shall confirm that guidance is provided for any configuartion needed to limit network communications.
The evaluator shall run the application. While the application is running,
the evaluator shall sniff network traffic ignoring all non-application
associated traffic
and verify that any network communications witnessed are limited to the selection made in the SFR.
Application Note:
Currently, the only NIAP-approved ESM server is EDR; PP-Modules for other ESM servers (Systems Management and Audit Server) will be added in the future.
By including EDR, the additional FHA_CHA_EXT.1 and FHA_COL_EXT.1 requirements must be included in the ST.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS lists all classes of products the Host Agent is designed to function with.
The evaluator shall check the administrative guide and ensure
that guidance exists for enrollment with all compatible ESM products identified in the ST.
Conditional: If "EDR" is selected, the evaluator shall install the Host Agent and enroll it with the EDR
management system. The evaluator shall verify that enrollment was successful and
that the Host Agent is communicating with the EDR.
5.2.4 Security Management (FMT)
FMT_SMF.1/HA Specification of Management Functions (Configuration of Host Agent)
The Host Agent shall be capable of performing the
following management functions:
Management Function
Configure the frequency for sending Host Agent data to an ESM
Assign at least one label or tag to categorize individual endpoint systems
Application Note: This requirement captures all the configuration functionality
the TSF provides the administrator to configure the Host Agent. The configuration of
these management functions can be achieved by either local configuration of the Host Agent or by
remote configuration using the ESM server.
The frequency for sending data to an ESM can be specified as a time value, but does not have
to be. A value like Aggressive, Normal, Low Bandwidth is a measure of control of frequency and meets
the requirement.
Host Agent data refers to the data collected in the requirements in this PP-Module, such as FHA_COL_EXT.1.1.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS contains all frequencies for sending Host Agent data to an ESM and all labels that are permitted.
The evaluator shall verify that every management function
mandated by the PP-Module is described in the operational guidance and that the description
contains the information required to perform the management duties associated with the
management function.
The evaluator shall test the ability to configure the Host Agent and test each function
listed in the SFR. The evaluator is expected to test these functions in all the ways in which
the ST and guidance documentation state the configuration can be managed.
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall enforce a mechanism to prevent unprivileged users of the platform from
unenrolling the Host Agent with the ESM system.
Application Note:
Unenrolling is the action of transitioning from the enrolled state to the
unenrolled state. Preventing unprivileged users from unenrolling the Host Agent
provides assurance that the enterprise can manage connected endpoints.
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes the mechanism used to
prevent users from unenrolling the Host Agent.
There are no guidance EAs for this component.
The evaluator shall attempt to unenroll the Host Agent from the ESM system
as an unprivileged user and verify that the attempt fails, by trying to kill the process
or stop the Service or Daemon that is running the Host Agent.
5.3 TOE Security Functional Requirements Rationale
The following rationale provides justification for each security objective for the TOE,
showing that the SFRs are suitable to meet and achieve the security objectives:
The PP-Module includes FAU_GEN.1/HA to ensure that the TOE provides accountability through the generation of audit records for security-relevant events.
The PP-Module includes FAU_STO_EXT.1 to ensure that the TOE provides accountability by ensuring that audit records are stored using an appropriate mechanism.
The PP-Module includes FMT_UNR_EXT.1 to ensure that the Host Agent is protected from unenrollment actions that would result in it being unable to receive or enforce policy and/or commands sent to it.
The PP-Module includes FMT_POL_EXT.1 to optionally ensure that policy and/or command data sent to the Host Agent has its integrity proven with a verifiable digital signature before being accepted.
The PP-Module includes FTP_DIT_EXT.1 by reference to show that the Host Agent is capable of using a trusted channel defined by the Base-PP for its own specific use.
The PP-Module includes FTP_DIT_EXT.2 to optionally define the trusted communications channel between multiple Host Agents.
6 Consistency Rationale
Protection Profile for Application Software
Consistency of TOE Type
If this PP-Module is used to extend the Application Software PP, the TOE type for the overall TOE is still a
software-based application. The TOE boundary is simply extended to include the Host Agent functionality
that is built into the application so that additional security functionality is claimed within the scope of the TOE.
Consistency of Security Problem Definition
The threats, assumptions, and OSPs defined by this PP-Module (see section 3.1) supplement those defined in the
App PP as follows:
This objective relates to the TOE's generation and storage of audit data that is used to detect potential configuration or operational issues on host systems. This functionality is defined by the PP-Module
and does not affect the ability of the TOE to enforce the Base-PP's security objectives.
This objective relates to the availability of data collected by the TSF. This data is specified to ESM Host Agent
functionailty and does not affect the functionality defined by the Base-PP.
This objective is the same as the Base-PP objective of the same name. This PP-Module extends the objective
by defining additional requirements that relate to the specific functionality described by the PP-Module and further satisfy the objective.
This objective is the same as the Base-PP objective of the same name. This PP-Module extends the objective
by defining additional requirements that relate to the specific functionality described by the PP-Module and further satisfy the objective.
This objective is the same as the Base-PP objective of the same name. This PP-Module extends the objective
by defining additional requirements that relate to the specific functionality described by the PP-Module and further satisfy the objective.
This PP-Module does not define any objectives for the TOE's Operational Environment.
Consistency of Requirements
This PP-Module identifies several SFRs from the
App PP that are needed to support
Host Agent functionality.
This is considered to be consistent because the functionality provided by the
App PPis being used for its intended purpose.
The rationale for why this does not conflict with the claims
defined by the
App PP are as follows:
This SFR defines the type of software the Host Agent is intended to operate
and communicate with. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
This SFR defines protections to prevent users from tampering with the Host Agent. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
Optional SFRs
This PP-Module does not define any optional requirements.
This SFR defines how the Host Agent shall cache data locally. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
This SFR defines the type of software the Host Agent is intended to operate with. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
This SFR defines the communication channel for Host Agents communicating with other Host Agents. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
This SFR defines protections for the integrity of commands sent to the Host Agent. This relates to functionality not present in the Base-PP and does not affect the TOE's ability to satisfy the Base-PP's SFRs.
Absent storage space exhaustion the Host Agent shall cache and manage collected data for a
minimum of [assignment: value greater than 72] hours on
[selection: persistent storage, non-persistent storage]
if the trusted channel is not available.
Application Note:
The term collected data here is understood to be any type of collected endpoint data by the Host Agent
destined for an ESM server. The term manage here is understood to be a ruleset for what is done if storage limits are reached.
To meet this requirement a Host Agent must be
capable of locally caching or queuing data for a minimum value that is greater than 72 hours (3 days) during periods of network
dis-connectivity. In a future revision, the selection of non-persistent storage will be removed.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS details how data is cached, any rules that would affect data caching,
and how cached data will be affected if storage limits are reached.
The evalutor shall verify that any configuration options related to data caching are listed in the guidance.
The evaluator shall test the Host Agent's ability to cache data by disconnecting the endpoint
from the network for a period of 72 hours to simulate a network connectivity failure,
these should be actual hours not via changing system time. The evaluator shall
exercise behaviors on the endpoint during the 72-hour time frame to generate Host Agent data.
Example behaviors could be running programs, performing some authentications, installing/uninstalling
software, or sample test cases provided by the vendor to generate Host Agent data.
The evaluator will then reconnect the endpoint to the network and verify on the ESM system
that the missing data from the 72 hour time frame is available on the ESM management portal.
The Host Agent shall collect the following minimum set of
endpoint event data:
Operating System (OS) version, architecture, and IP Address,
Privileged and unprivileged endpoint account login activity,
Process creation,
Libraries and modules loaded by processes,
Network connection activity, including destination IP,
Files created on persistent storage,
[assignment: Other host data].
Application Note: The intent of this requirement is to specify the minimum
set of endpoint data that the Host Agent for an ESMEDR system must be capable of
collecting. This requirement only applies to Host Agents used with the
[EDR]PP-Module per
the selection from FHA_HAD_EXT.1. The assignment may be empty, a single item, or multiple items.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS contains a full list of endpoint data that can be collected.
The evaluator shall check the administrative guide and ensure
that it lists all of the collectable types of endpoint event data.
The evaluator shall check to make sure that every endpoint event
type listed in the ST is included in the administrative guidance.
The evaluator shall run the systems causing multiple events to occur and then review the items collected by the Host Agent to verify that all items in the minimum set are included.
FTP_DIT_EXT.2 Protection of Data in Transit for Peer-to-Peer Host Agents
The Host Agent shall
[selection: encrypt, invoke platform-provided functionality to encrypt] all transmitted data according to FTP_DIT_EXT.1 between itself and another Host Agent.
Application Note:
This requirement is designed to protect the communications with other Host Agents
in a peer-to-peer scenario where Host Agents are sending/receiving data from each other. The selection of whether the TSF of the TOE platform encrypts
these communications should be consistent with any selections made in FTP_DIT_EXT.1
The evaluator shall verify that the TSS contains a description of all data transmitted to other Host Agents and
that all such data is protected according to FPT_DIT_EXT.1.
The evaluator shall ensure the guidance contains any configuration details required for ensuring data transmitted
to other Host Agents is protected according to FPT_DIT_EXT.1.
The tests in FTP_DIT_EXT.1.1 shall be repeated for data trasmitted between two Host Agents.
Appendix C - Objective SFRs
This section is reserved for requirements that are not currently prescribed by this PP-Module
but are expected to be included in future versions of the PP-Module.
Vendors planning on having evaluations performed against future products are encouraged
to plan for these objective requirements to be met.
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall only accept policies or commands that are digitally signed using
[selection: RSA, ECDSA] signatures that meet FIPS PUB 186-4.
Application Note:
The intent of this requirement is to cryptographically tie any policy updates or
commands sent to the Host Agent as being from the ESM server. This is not to
protect the policies in transit as they are already protected by FTP_ITC.1 (in the [EDR]PP-Module)
and/or FTP_DIT_EXT.2.1. If the TSF implements this function, any signature algorithms used should be consistent with any selections made in
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS describes how the candidate
policies or commands are sent to the Host Agent; the
processing associated with verifying the digital signature of the policies or
commands; and the actions that take place for successful (signature was
verified) and unsuccessful (signature could not be verified) cases. The
software components that are performing the processing must also be
identified in the TSS and verified by the evaluators (this could be the Host Agent
or the underlying platform).
There are no guidance EAs for this component.
Test 1:
The evaluator shall perform or wait for a policy update or commands
from an ESM server to be sent to a Host Agent. The evaluator shall verify the
policy or command is signed and is provided to the Host Agent. The evaluator shall
verify the Host Agent accepts the digitally signed policy.
The execution of this test may require some configuration or a test version of either
the Host Agent of the ESM system in order to view the incoming policy or command
and verify that the content is digitally signed.
Test 2:
The evaluator shall alter a policy update or command and verify the Host Agent rejects the altered policy.
Appendix D - Extended Component Definitions
This appendix contains the definitions for the extended requirements that are used in the PP-Module
including those used in Appendices A through C.
D.1 Background and Scope
This appendix provides a definition for all of the extended components introduced
in this PP-Module.
These components are identified in the following table:
FMT_POL_EXT Trusted Policy Update FMT_UNR_EXT User Unenrollment Prevention
Trusted Path/Channels (FTP)
FTP_DIT_EXT Protection of Data in Transit
D.2 Extended Component Definitions
FAU_STO_EXT Audit Data Storage
Components in this family define requirements for the location and method of audit storage.
Component Leveling
Audit Data Storage,
requires either the TOE or its platform to store audit data using the platform's audit mechanism.
Management: FAU_STO_EXT.1
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FAU_STO_EXT.1
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FAU_STO_EXT.1 Audit Data Storage
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to: No dependencies.
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall store audit events in the platform-provided logging mechanism.
FHA_HAD_EXT Host Agent Declaration
Components in this family define requirements for the ESM functionality that the TOE is compatible with.
Component Leveling
Host Agent Declaration,
requires the TOE to be compatible with one or more types of ESM capabilities and to identify how
its network communications are restricted in support of that compatibility.
Management: FHA_HAD_EXT.1
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FHA_HAD_EXT.1
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FHA_HAD_EXT.1 Host Agent Declaration
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to: No dependencies.
The Host Agent shall operate with the following ESM Software:
Components in this family define requirements for ensuring that an unprivileged user
cannot remove the TOE from management by another ESM component.
Component Leveling
User Unenrollment Prevention,
requires the TSF to prevent its unenrollment by an unauthorized user.
Management: FMT_UNR_EXT.1
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FMT_UNR_EXT.1
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FMT_UNR_EXT.1 User Unenrollment Prevention
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to: No dependencies.
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall enforce a mechanism to prevent unprivileged users of the platform from
unenrolling the Host Agent with the ESM system.
FHA_CHA_EXT Cache Host Agent Collected Data
Components in this family define requirements for the location and duration of storage for its collected data.
Component Leveling
Cache Host Agent Collected Data,
requires either the TOE or its platform to store audit data using the platform's logging mechanism.
Absent storage space exhaustion the Host Agent shall cache and manage collected data for a
minimum of [assignment: value greater than 72] hours on
[selection: persistent storage, non-persistent storage]
if the trusted channel is not available.
FHA_COL_EXT Collected Audit
Components in this family define requirements for the collection of data the TOE collects from
its Operational Environment as audit data.
Component Leveling
Collected Audit,
requires the TOE to collect a specified set of data from its Operational Environment.
Management: FHA_COL_EXT.1
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FHA_COL_EXT.1
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FHA_COL_EXT.1 Collected Audit
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to: FHA_HAD_EXT.1 Host Agent Declaration
The Host Agent shall collect the following minimum set of
endpoint event data:
Operating System (OS) version, architecture, and IP Address,
Privileged and unprivileged endpoint account login activity,
Process creation,
Libraries and modules loaded by processes,
Network connection activity, including destination IP,
Files created on persistent storage,
[assignment: Other host data].
FTP_DIT_EXT Protection of Data in Transit
This family is defined in the [AppPP]. This PP-Module adds a component
to the existing family definition.
Component Leveling
Protection of Data in Transit for Peer-to-Peer Host Agents,
requires the TSF to secure data in transit between itself and another ESM Host Agent using a TSF-provided or platform-provided trusted channel.
Management: FTP_DIT_EXT.2
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FTP_DIT_EXT.2
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FTP_DIT_EXT.2 Protection of Data in Transit for Peer-to-Peer Host Agents
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to:
FHA_HAD_EXT.1 Host Agent Declaration
FTP_DIT_EXT.1 Protection of Data in Transit
The Host Agent shall
[selection: encrypt, invoke platform-provided functionality to encrypt] all transmitted data according to FTP_DIT_EXT.1 between itself and another Host Agent.
FMT_POL_EXT Trusted Policy Update
Components in this family define requirements for the TOE's verification of policies or commands transmitted to it.
Component Leveling
Trusted Policy Update,
requires the TSF to reject any unsigned management policies or commands sent to it.
Management: FMT_POL_EXT.1
No specific management functions are identified.
Audit: FMT_POL_EXT.1
There are no auditable events foreseen.
FMT_POL_EXT.1 Trusted Policy Update
Hierarchical to: No other components.
Dependencies to: FCS_COP.1 Cryptographic Operation
[selection: Host Agent, Host Agent Platform]
shall only accept policies or commands that are digitally signed using
[selection: RSA, ECDSA] signatures that meet FIPS PUB 186-4.
Appendix E - Implicitly Satisfied Requirements
This appendix lists requirements that should be considered satisfied by products
successfully evaluated against this Protection Profile.
However, these requirements are not featured explicitly as SFRs and should not be
included in the ST.
They are not included as standalone SFRs because it would
increase the time, cost, and complexity of evaluation.
This approach is permitted
by [CC] Part 1, 8.2 Dependencies between components.
This information benefits systems engineering activities which call for inclusion of
particular security controls. Evaluation against the Protection Profile
provides evidence that these controls are present and have been evaluated.
Rationale for Satisfaction
FPT_STM.1 - Reliable Time Stamps
CC Part 2 specifies FPT_STM.1 as a dependency of FAU_GEN.1 because the audit records require a reliable timestamp to satisfy FAU_GEN.1.2.
This dependency is implicitly addressed through the A.PLATFORM assumption of the Base-PP because a "trustworthy computing platform" is assumed to include a reliable system clock.